TFBS::DB FlatFileDir
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir - interface to a database of pattern matrices
stored as a collection of flat files in a dedicated directory
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::Root::Root TFBS::DB
    * creating a database object by connecting to the existing directory
my $db = TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir->connect("/home/boris/MatrixDir");

    * retrieving a TFBS::Matrix::* object from the database
# retrieving a PFM by ID
my $pfm = $db->get_Matrix_by_ID('M00079','PFM');

#retrieving a PWM by name
my $pwm = $db->get_Matrix_by_name('NF-kappaB', 'PWM');

    * retrieving a set of matrices as a TFBS::MatrixSet object according to various criteria
    * creating a new FlatFileDir database in a new directory:
    * storing a matrix in the database:
#let $pfm is a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object

TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir is a read/write database interface module that
retrieves and stores TFBS::Matrix::* and TFBS::MatrixSet
objects in a set of flat files in a dedicated directory. It has a
very simple structure and can be easily set up manually if desired.
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
connectcode    nextTop
 Title   : connect
Usage : my $db = TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir->connect($directory);
Function: Creates a database object that retrieves TFBS::Matrix::*
object data from or stores it in an existing directory
Returns : a TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir object
Args : ($directory)
The name of the directory (possibly with fully qualified
 Title   : create
Usage : my $newdb = TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir->create($new_directory);
Function: connects to the database server, creates a new directory,
sets up a FlatFileDir database and returns a database
object that interfaces the database
Returns : a TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir object
Args : ($new_directory)
The name of the directory to create
(possibly with fully qualified path).
 Title   : delete_Matrix_having_ID
Usage : $db->delete_Matrix_with_ID('M00045');
Function: Deletes the matrix having the given ID from the database
Returns : 0 on success; $@ contents on failure
(this is too C-like and may change in future versions)
Args : (ID)
A string
Comment : Yeah, yeah, 'delete_Matrix_having_ID' is a stupid name
for a method, but at least it should be obviuos what it does.
 Title   : get_Matrix_by_ID
Usage : my $pfm = $db->get_Matrix_by_ID('M00034', 'PFM');
Function: fetches matrix data under the given ID from the
database and returns a TFBS::Matrix::* object
Returns : a TFBS::Matrix::* object; the exact type of the
object depending on the second argument (allowed
values are 'PFM', 'ICM', and 'PWM'); returns undef if
matrix with the given ID is not found
Args : (Matrix_ID, Matrix_type)
Matrix_ID is a string; Matrix_type is one of the
following: 'PFM' (raw position frequency matrix),
'ICM' (information content matrix) or 'PWM' (position
weight matrix)
If Matrix_type is omitted, a PWM is retrieved by default.
 Title   : get_Matrix_by_name
Usage : my $pfm = $db->get_Matrix_by_name('HNF-1', 'PWM');
Function: fetches matrix data under the given name from the
database and returns a TFBS::Matrix::* object
Returns : a TFBS::Matrix::* object; the exact type of the object
depending on the second argument (allowed values are
'PFM', 'ICM', and 'PWM')
Args : (Matrix_name, Matrix_type)
Matrix_name is a string; Matrix_type is one of the
'PFM' (raw position frequency matrix),
'ICM' (information content matrix) or
'PWM' (position weight matrix)
If Matrix_type is omitted, a PWM is retrieved by default.
Warning : According to the current JASPAR2 data model, name is
not necessarily a unique identifier. In the case where
there are several matrices with the same name in the
database, the function fetches the first one and prints
a warning on STDERR. You have been warned.
 Title   : new
Usage : my $db = TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir->new(%args);
Function: the formal constructor for the TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir object;
most users will not use it - they will use specialized
connect or create constructors to create a
database object
Returns : a TFBS::DB::FlatFileDir object
Args : -dir # the directory containing flat files
 Title   : store_Matrix
Usage : $db->store_Matrix($matrixobj);
Function: Stores the contents of a TFBS::Matrix::DB object in the database
Returns : 0 on success; $@ contents on failure
(this is too C-like and may change in future versions)
Args : ($matrixobj) # a TFBS::Matrix::* object
Methods code
sub _check_matrixtype {
    my ($self, $mt) = @_;
    $mt = uc $mt;
    return undef unless $mt;
    unless ( $mt eq "PFM"
	    or $mt eq "ICM"
	    or $mt eq "PWM")  {
	    $self->throw("Unsupported matrix type: ".$mt);
    return $mt;
sub _load_db_index {
    my ($self, $field, $value) = @_;
    my $DIR = $self->{dir};
    open (MATRIXLIST, "$DIR/matrix_list.txt")
	or $self->throw("Could not read matrix list $DIR/matrix_list.txt");
    while (my $line = <MATRIXLIST>)  {
	chomp $line;
	my ($ID, $ic, $name, $class) = split /\s+/, $line, 4;
	if ($ID =~ /(\w+)\.(\w+)$/) {
	    $ID = $1;
	    and $self->warn("Duplicate entries for ID $ID");
	$self->{_item}->{$ID} = {name=>$name, ic=>$ic, class=>$class};
	push @{ $self->{_idlist_of_name}->{$name} }, $ID;
	push @{ $self->{_idlist_of_class}->{$class} }, $ID;
	# annoatation
my @anno= split(/\s?;\s?/, $line); my %tags; shift @anno; foreach (@anno){ my ($name, $val)=split(/\s?\"/, $_); # print "$name $val\n";
$self->{_item}->{$ID}->{'tags'}->{$name}=$val; } } close MATRIXLIST; return scalar keys %{ $self->{_item} }; # false if list empty
sub _read_file {
    my ($self, $id, $mt) = @_;
    local $/ = undef;
    open FILE, $self->{dir}."/$id.".lc($mt) or return undef;
    my $matrixstring = <FILE>; #slurp;
close FILE; return $matrixstring; } 1;
sub _update_db_index {
    my $self = shift;
    rename $self->{dir}."/matrix_list.txt", $self->{dir}."/~matrix_list.txt";
    open FILE, ">".$self->{dir}."/matrix_list.txt";
    foreach my $ID ( keys %{$self->{_item}} ) {
	print FILE join("\t", 	$ID,
#   add tagged annotation	
# my %tag = $self->{_item}->{$ID}->{'all_tags'};
foreach my $name(sort keys %{$self->{'_item'}->{$ID}{'tag'}}){ print FILE "; ", $name, "\" ", $self->{'_item'}->{$ID}{'tag'}{$name}, "\"\ "; } print FILE "\n"; } close FILE;
sub connect {
    my ($caller, $dir) = @_;
sub create {
    my ($caller, $dir) = @_;
    if (-d $dir) { die ("Directory $dir exists") ; } 
    mkdir ($dir) or  die("Error creating directory $dir, stopped");
    open FILE, ">$dir/matrix_list.txt"
	or die ("Error creating matrix_list.txt");
    close FILE;
sub delete_Matrix_having_ID {
    my ($self, $ID) = @_;
    my $DIR = $self->{dir};
    unlink <$DIR/$ID.*>;
delete $self->{_item}->{$ID}; $self->_update_db_index();
sub get_MatrixSet {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $DIR = $self->{db};
    my $arrayref;
    my $mt = $self->_check_matrixtype($args{-matrixtype})
	|| $self->throw("No matrix type provided.");
    delete $args{'-matrixtype'};
    my ($field, $value) = %args;
    unless (defined $field)  {
	$arrayref = [ keys %{ $self->{_item}} ];
    my @IDlist;
    if ($field eq "-IDs") {
	@IDlist = @$arrayref;
    elsif ($field eq "-names")  {
	foreach (@$arrayref)  {
	    push @IDlist, @{ $self->{_idlist_of_name}->{$_} };
    elsif ($field eq "-classes")  {
	foreach (@$arrayref)  {
	    push @IDlist, @{ $self->{_idlist_of_class}->{$_} };
    else  {
	$self->throw("Unknown matrixset selector: $field.");
    my $matrixset = TFBS::MatrixSet->new();
    foreach my $ID(@IDlist)  {
	$matrixset->add_matrix($self->get_Matrix_by_ID($ID, $mt));
    close MATRIXLIST;
    return $matrixset;
sub get_Matrix_by_ID {
    my ($self, $ID, $mt) = @_;
    $self->throw("No ID passed to get_Matrix_by_ID.") unless defined $ID;
    $mt = defined $mt ? $self->_check_matrixtype($mt) : "PWM"; 
    my $matrixobj;
	no strict 'refs';
	my $working_mt = $mt = uc $mt;
	my $matrixstring = $self->_read_file($ID,$mt)
			    # if no desired $mt, is there a PFM?
|| $self->_read_file($ID,$working_mt="PFM") || return undef; eval("\$matrixobj= TFBS::Matrix::$working_mt->new".'
( -ID => $ID,
-name => $self->{_item}->{$ID}->{name} || "",
-class => $self->{_item}->{$ID}->{class}|| "",
-matrix=> $matrixstring,
-tags=> $self->{_item}->{$ID}->{tags}

. "if (\$working_mt ne\$ mt) {\$matrixobj =\$ matrixobj->to_$mt;}"); if ($@) {$self->throw($@); } } # print "MATRIXOBJ: $matrixobj\n";
return $matrixobj;
sub get_Matrix_by_name {
      my ($self, $name, $mt) = @_;
    my $ID=$self->{_idlist_of_name}->{$name}->[0] 
	    or return undef;
    if ((my $L= scalar @{ $self->{_idlist_of_name}->{$name} }) > 1)  {
        $self->warn("There are $L matrices with name '$name'");
    return $self->get_Matrix_by_ID($ID, $mt);
sub get_matrix {
    # an obsolete method - kept for the time being for backward compatibility
my ($self, %args) = @_; my $DIR = $self->{dir}; my $ID; # retrieval from .pwm files in a directory
my $mt = ($self->_get_matrixtype_from_args(%args) or $self->throw("No -matrixtype provided.")); if ($args{-ID}) { $ID = $args{-ID}; } elsif (my $name = $args{-name}) { $ID=$self->{_idlist_of_name}->{$name}->[0] or $self->warn("No matrix with name $name found."); if ((my $L= scalar @{ $self->{_idlist_of_name}->{$name} }) > 1) { $self->warn("There are $L matrices with name '$name'"); } } else { $self->throw("No -ID or -name passed to ".ref($self)); } my $matrixobj; { no strict 'refs'; my $ucmt = uc $mt; my $matrixstring =`cat $DIR/$ID.$mt`;
eval("\$matrixobj= TFBS::Matrix::$ucmt->new".'
( -ID => $ID,
-name => $self->{_item}->{$ID}->{name},
-class => $self->{_item}->{$ID}->{class},
-matrix=> $matrixstring # FIXME - temporary
); if ($@) {$self->throw($@); } } # print "MATRIXOBJ: $matrixobj\n";
return $matrixobj;
sub new {
    my $caller = shift;
    my $self = bless {_item => {}, 
		      _idlist_of_name=>{} , 
                 ref ($caller) || $caller;
    if (-d $_[0])  {
	$self->{dir} = $_[0];
    elsif ($_[0] eq '-dir' and -d $_[1])  {
	$self->{dir} = $_[1];
    else  {
	$self->throw("Error initializing FlatFileDir database dir: ",
		     ($_[1] or $_[0] or "No directory parameter passed."));
    return $self;
sub store_Matrix {
    my ($self, $matrixobj) = @_;
    my ($mt) = ($matrixobj =~ /TFBS::Matrix::(\w+)/)
	or $self->throw("Wrong type of object passed to store_Matrix.");
    if (defined $self->{_item}->{$matrixobj->ID()})  {
	$self->throw("ID ".$matrixobj->ID()." exists in the database.");
    else  {
	my $matrixfile = $self->{dir}."/".$matrixobj->ID().".".lc($mt);
	open FILE, ">$matrixfile"
	    or $self->throw("Could not write file $matrixfile.");
	print FILE $matrixobj->rawprint;
	close FILE;
	my $ic = ($mt eq "ICM") ? $matrixobj->total_ic :
		    ($mt eq "PFM") ? $matrixobj->to_ICM->total_ic : ""; 
	$self->{_item}->{$matrixobj->ID()} = { 'name' => $matrixobj->name || "",
					       'ic'   => $ic,
					       'class'=> $matrixobj->class || "" };
	my %tags= $matrixobj->all_tags();
	foreach my $named_tag (keys %tags){
	    if ( ref $tags{$named_tag} eq "ARRAY"){
		my $val= join (",",@{$tags{$named_tag}});
           # print $named_tag , " ", $self->{_item}->{$matrixobj->ID()}{'tag'}{$named_tag}, "\n";
} $self->_update_db_index(); } return 0;
General documentation
Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris LenhardTop
Boris Lenhard <>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.