TFBS::Matrix::Set - an agregate class representing a set of matrix patterns, containing methods for manipulating the set as a whole
Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
%stamp_opt = ( -tf => [], -sd => [], -cc => [ "PCC", "ALLR", "ALLR_LL", "CS", "KL", "SSD" ], -align => [ "NW", "SW", "SWA", "SWU" ], -go => [], -ge => [], -out => [], -overlapalign => [], -nooverlapalign => [], -extendedoverlap => [], -printpairwise => [], -tree => [ "UPGMA", "SOTA" ], -ch => [], -ma => [ "PPA", "IR" ], -match => [], -matchtop => [], -prot => [], -genrand => [], -genscores => [], -stampdir => [], -tempdir => [], -noclean => [] )
Included modules
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
# creation of a TFBS::MatrixSet object
# let @list_of_matrix_objects be a list of TFBS::Matrix::* objects
# Create a TFBS::MatrixSet object:
my $matrixset = TFBS::MatrixSet->new(); # creates an empty set
$matrixset->add_Matrix(@list_of_matrix_objects); #add matrix objects to set
$matrixset->add_Matrix($matrixobj); # adds a single matrix object to set
# or, same as above:
my $matrixset = TFBS::MatrixSet->new(@list_of_matrix_objects, $matrixobj);
TFBS::MatrixSet is an aggregate class storing a set of TFBS::Matrix::* subclass objects, and providing methods form manipulating those sets as a whole. TFBS::MatrixSet objects are created <I>de novo<I> or returned by some database (TFBS::DB::*) retrieval methods.
Methods description
Title : Iterator Usage : my $matrixset_iterator = $matrixset->Iterator(-sort_by =>'total_ic'); while (my $matrix_object = $matrix_iterator->next) { # do whatever you want with individual matrix objects } Function: Returns an iterator object that can be used to go through all members of the set Returns : an iterator object (currently undocumentened in TFBS - but understands the 'next' method) Args : -sort_by # optional - currently it accepts # 'ID' (alphabetically) # 'name' (alphabetically) # 'class' (alphabetically) # 'total_ic' (numerically, decreasing order)
-reverse # optional - reverses the default sorting order if true |
Title : add_matrix Usage : $matrixset->add_matrix(@list_of_matrix_objects); Function: Adds matrix objects to matrixset Returns : object reference (usually ignored) Args : one or more TFBS::Matrix::* objects |
Title : add_matrix Usage : $matrixset->add_matrix(@list_of_matrixset_objects); Function: Adds to the matrixset matrix objects contained in one or more other matrixsets Returns : object reference (usually ignored) Args : one or more TFBS::MatrixSet objects |
Title : cluster Usage : $matrixset->cluster(%args) Function: Clusters the matrices in the set Returns : The root node of the hierachical clustering tree. An integer specifying the optimal number of clusters. An array of TFBS::MatrixSets, one for each cluster. Args : Many: -stampdir Directory where stamp is located. Not necessary if it is in the PATH. -tempdir Directory to put temporary files. Defaults to "/tmp" -noclean 1 to clean up temporary files, 0 otherwise -tree Method for constructing tree (UPGMA/SOTA). Def:UPGMA |
Title : fbp Usage : $matrixset->fbp(%args); Function: Creates a familial binding profile (FBP) for the set Returns : A familial binding profile represented as a TFBS::Matrix::PFM Args : Many -stampdir Directory where stamp is located. Not necessary if it is in the PATH. -tempdir Directory to put temporary files. Defaults to "/tmp" -noclean 1 to clean up temporary files, 0 otherwise -align Alignment method |
Title : randomize_columns Usage : $matrixset->randomize_columns(); Function: Randomizes the columns between all the matrices in the set (in place). Returns : nothing Args : none |
Title : remove_Matrix_by_ID Usage : $matrixset->remove_Matrix_by_ID($id); Function: Removes a matrix from the set Returns : Nothing Args : None |
Title : search_aln Usage : my $site_pair_set = $matrixset->search_aln(%args) Function: Scans a pairwise alignment of nucleotide sequences with the pattern represented by the PWM: it reports only those hits that are present in equivalent positions of both sequences and exceed a specified threshold score in both, AND are found in regions of the alignment above the specified conservation cutoff value. It works only if all matrix object in $matrixset understand search_aln method (currently only TFBS::Matrix::PWM objects do)
Returns : a TFBS::SitePairSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:
-file, # the name of the alignment file in Clustal
-alignobj # a Bio::SimpleAlign object
# (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a
# subclass thereof)
-alignstring # a multi-line string containing the alignment
# in clustal format
-threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute
# (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%")
# OPTIONAL: default "80%"
-window, # size of the sliding window (inn nucleotides)
# for calculating local conservation in the
# alignment
# OPTIONAL: default 50
-cutoff # conservation cutoff (%) for including the
# region in the results of the pattern search
# OPTIONAL: default "70%"
-subpart # subpart of the alignment to search, given as e.g.
# -subpart => { relative_to => 1,
# start => 140,
# end => 180 }
# where start and end are coordinates in the
# sequence indicated by relative_to (1 for the
# 1st sequence in the alignment, 2 for the 2nd)
# OPTIONAL: by default searches entire alignment
# conservation profile, a TFBS::ConservationProfile
# OPTIONAL: by default the conservation profile is
# computed internally on the fly (less efficient) |
Title : search_seq Usage : my $siteset = $matrixset->search_seq(%args) Function: scans a nucleotide sequence with all patterns represented stored in $matrixset;
It works only if all matrix objects in $matrixset understand
search_seq method (currently only TFBS::Matrix::PWM objects do)
Returns : a TFBS::SiteSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:
-file, # the name od a fasta file (single sequence)
-seqobj # a Bio::Seq object
# (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a
# subclass thereof)
-seqstring # a string containing the sequence
-threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute
# (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%")
# OPTIONAL: default "80%" |
Title : size Usage : my $number_of_matrices = $matrixset->size; Function: gets the number of matrix objects in the $matrixset (i.e. the size of the set) Returns : a number Args : none |
Methods code
sub _bsearch
{ my ($self,%args) = @_; my @PWMs;
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args);
$seqobj->{_pdl_matrix} = _seq_to_pdlmatrix($seqobj);
while (my $pwm = $self->next() ) {
push @PWMs,$pwm;
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new();
foreach my $pwm (@PWMs) {
my $threshold = ($args{-threshold} or $pwm->{minscore});
-threshold =>$threshold ));
delete $seqobj->{_pdl_matrix};
return $hitlist; } |
sub _build_cluster
{ my ($self, $cluster, $node) = @_;
if ($node->is_Leaf()) {
for (@{$self->{matrix_list}}) {
if ($_->ID() eq $node->id()) {
} else {
$self->_build_cluster($cluster, $_) for ($node->each_Descendent());
} } |
sub _check_opt
{ my ($self, $opt, $arg, $list) = @_;
if (not defined($list)) {
$error = "Invalid argument: $opt\n";
return FALSE;
return TRUE if (not scalar(@$list));
for (@$list) {
return TRUE if ($arg eq $_) ;
$error = "$arg is invalid argument to $opt";
return FALSE; } |
sub _csearch
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $PWM_SEARCH = '/home/httpd/cgi-bin/CONSITE/bin/pwm_searchPFF';
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args);
($seqobj->{_fastaFH}, $seqobj->{_fastafile}) = tmpnam();
my $seqFH = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-fh=>$seqobj->{_fastaFH}, -format=>"Fasta");
print $seqFH $seqobj;
my @PWMs;
while (my $pwm = $self->next() ) {
push @PWMs,$pwm;
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new();
foreach my $pwm (@PWMs) {
my $threshold = ($args{-threshold} or $pwm->{minscore});
-threshold =>$threshold ));
delete $seqobj->{_fastaFH};
delete $seqobj->{_fastafile};
return $hitlist; } |
sub _find_optimal
{ my ($self, $output) = @_;
my ($optimal, $score_best, $in) = (undef, undef, 0);
for (@$output) {
if (/NumClust/) {
$in = 1;
last if (/Tree Built/);
if ($in) {
my (undef, $clusters, $score) = split(/\t/);
if ((not defined($score_best)) || $score < $score_best) {
$score_best = $score;
$optimal = $clusters;
return $optimal; } |
sub _run_STAMP
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $fh;
for (keys(%args)) {
die $error unless ($self->_check_opt($_, $args{$_}, $stamp_opt{$_}));
if (not exists($args{-tf})) {
$fh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => 'STAMP-XXXXX',
DIR => $args{-tempdir} || '/tmp',
SUFFIX => '.set');
print $fh $_->STAMPprint() for (@{$self->{matrix_list}});
$args{-tf} = $fh->filename();
$args{-tree} ||= "UPGMA";
$args{-ma} ||= "IR";
$args{-cc} ||= "PCC";
$args{-align} ||= "SWU";
my $path;
if ($args{-stampdir}) {
$path = $args{-stampdir};
die "Could not find STAMP at $path\n" if (not -e "$path/STAMP");
} else {
$path = (grep {-e "$_/STAMP"} split(/:+/, $ENV{PATH}))[0];
$path || die "Could not find STAMP in path\n";
$args{-sd} ||= $path."/ScoreDists/JaspRand_".$args{-cc}."_".$args{-align}.".scores";
die "No score distribution file found or not readable at '$args{-sd}'.\n Use -sd.\n" unless (-r $args{-sd});
my $args = "";
$args .= "$_ $args{$_} " for (keys(%args));
my @output = `$path/STAMP -ch $args -out $fh`;
my $treeio = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick', -file => $fh->filename().".tree");
my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;
my $fbp = TFBS::Matrix::PFM->new(-matrixfile => $fh->filename()."FBP.txt");
$fbp->{'filename'} = $fh->filename()."FBP.txt";
print STDERR "::: $fbp->{'filename'}\n ";
if (not $args{-noclean}) {
my $deleted = unlink($fh->filename()."FBP.txt", $fh->filename().".tree");
warn("Couldn't remove temporary files") if ($deleted != 2);
return ($fh,\@ output, $tree, $fbp); } |
sub _search
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args);
($seqobj->{_fastaFH}, $seqobj->{_fastafile}) = tmpnam();
my $outstream = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>">".$seqobj->{_fastafile}, -format=>"Fasta");
my $subseqobj;
if(my $subpart = $args{-subpart}) {
my $subseq_start = $subpart->{-start};
my $subseq_end = $subpart->{-end};
unless($subseq_start and $subseq_end) {
$self->throw("Option -subpart missing suboption -relative_to, -start or -end");
$subseqobj = Bio::Seq->new(-seq => $seqobj->subseq($subseq_start, $subseq_end),
-id => $seqobj->id);
$outstream->write_seq($subseqobj or $seqobj);
my @PWMs;
my $mxit = $self->Iterator();
while (my $pwm = $mxit->next() ) {
push @PWMs,$pwm;
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new();
foreach my $pwm (@PWMs) {
my $threshold = ($args{-threshold} or $pwm->{minscore});
-threshold =>$threshold,
delete $seqobj->{_fastaFH};
unlink $seqobj->{_fastafile};
delete $seqobj->{_fastafile};
return $hitlist; } |
sub _seq_to_pdlmatrix
my $seqobj = shift;
my $seqstring = uc($seqobj->seq());
my @perlarray;
foreach (qw(A C G T)) {
my $seqtobits = $seqstring;
eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/$_/1/"; eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/1/0/c"; push @perlarray, [split("", $seqtobits)];
return byte (\@perlarray); } |
sub _to_seqobj
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $seq;
if ($args{-file}) { return Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $args{-file},
-format => 'fasta',
-moltype => 'dna')->next_seq();
elsif ($args{-seqstring}
or $args{-seq})
{ return Bio::Seq->new(-seq => ($args{-seqstring} or $args{-seq}),
-id => ($args{-seq_id} or "undefined"),
-moltype => 'dna');
elsif ($args{'-seqobj'} and ref($args{'-seqobj'}) =~ /Bio\:\:Seq/) {
return $args{'-seqobj'};
else {
$self->throw ("Wrong parametes passed to search method: ".%args);
} |
sub add_Matrix
{ my $self = shift;
return $self->add_matrix(@_); } |
sub add_matrix
{ my ($self, @matrices) = @_;
foreach my $matrix (@matrices) {
$self->throw("Argument to add_matrix_set not a TFBS::Matrix object")
unless $matrix->isa("TFBS::Matrix");
push @{$self->{matrix_list}}, @matrices;
return $self; } |
sub add_matrix_set
{ my ($self, @sets) = @_;
foreach my $matrixset (@sets) {
$self->throw("Argument to add_matrix_set not a TFBS::Matrixset object")
unless $matrixset->isa("TFBS::MatrixSet");
push @{$self->{matrix_list}}, @{$matrixset->{matrix_list}};
} } |
sub cluster
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
if ($self->size() <= 1) {
warn("Can't cluster MatrixSet of size less than 2");
my ($fh, $output, $tree, $fbp) = $self->_run_STAMP(%args);
my $optimal = $args{-optimal} || $self->_find_optimal($output);
my $root = $tree->get_root_node();
my @nodes = ($root);
my @leaves;
while (scalar(@nodes) && (scalar(@nodes) + scalar(@leaves)) < $optimal) {
my $node = pop @nodes;
if ($node->is_Leaf()) {
push @leaves, $node;
} else {
@nodes = sort {$a->height() <=> $b->height()} (@nodes, $node->each_Descendent());
my @clusters;
for (@leaves, @nodes) {
my $cluster = $self->new();
$self->_build_cluster($cluster, $_);
push @clusters, $cluster;
return ($tree, $optimal,\@ clusters); } |
sub fbp
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
if ($self->size() == 0) {
warn("Can't create FBP for MatrixSet of size 0");
} elsif ($self->size() == 1) {
return @{$self->{'matrix_list'}}[0];
my ($fh, $output, $tree, $fbp) = $self->_run_STAMP(%args);
return $fbp;
1; } |
sub new
{ my ($caller, @matrices) = shift;
my $self = bless {matrix_list =>[]}, ref($caller) || $caller;
$self->add_matrix(@matrices) if @matrices;
return $self; } |
sub new2
{ my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
if (defined $args{'-matrices'}) {
$self->add_matrix( @{$args{'-matrices'}} ) if @{$args{'-matrices'}};
if (defined $args{'-matrixfile'}) {
my @matrices;
open (FILE, $args{-matrixfile})
or $self->throw("Could not open $args{-matrixfile}");
while (<FILE>) {
/^\s*$/ && next;
if (/^>/) {
return $self; } |
sub next
{ my ($self) = @_;
$self->warn("next: Deprecated method use Iterator instead.");
if (my $next_matrix = shift (@{$self->{_iterator_list}})) {
return $next_matrix;
else {
return undef;
} } |
sub randomize_columns
{ my $self = shift;
my (@lengths, @concat);
my ($length, $i) = (-1, 0);
for my $matrix (@{$self->{matrix_list}}) {
$length += $matrix->length();
push @lengths, $matrix->length();
push @{$concat[$_]}, @{${$matrix->matrix()}[$_]} for (0..3);
map { ( undef, $concat[0][$i], $concat[1][$i], $concat[2][$i], $concat[3][$i] ) = @$_; $i++; }
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
map { [ rand(), $concat[0][$_], $concat[1][$_], $concat[2][$_], $concat[3][$_] ] } ( 0 .. $length );
my $start = 0;
for my $matrix (@{$self->{matrix_list}}) {
my $length = shift(@lengths);
my $end = $start + $length - 1;
$matrix->matrix( [
[ @{$concat[0]}[$start..$end] ],
[ @{$concat[1]}[$start..$end] ],
[ @{$concat[2]}[$start..$end] ],
[ @{$concat[3]}[$start..$end] ]
$start += $length;
} } |
sub remove_Matrix_by_ID
{ my ($self, $id) = @_;
my @list = grep { $_->ID() ne $id } @{$self->{matrix_list}};
$self->{matrix_list} =\@ list;
my $error; } |
sub reset
{ my ($self) = @_;
$self->warn("reset: Deprecated method use Iterator instead.");
@{$self->{_iterator_list}} = @{$self->{matrix_list}}; } |
sub search_aln
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $mxit = $self->Iterator();
my $sitepairset = TFBS::SitePairSet->new;
my $aln = TFBS::Matrix::_Alignment->new(%args);
while (my $mx = $mxit->next) {
my $singleset = $mx->search_aln(%args,
-alignment_setup => $aln);
return $sitepairset; } |
sub search_seq
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
$self->_search(%args); } |
sub size
{ scalar @{ $_[0]->{matrix_list} }; } |
sub sort_by_name
{ my ($self) = @_;
$self->warn("sort_by_name: Deprecated method use Iterator instead.");
@{$self->{matrix_list}} = sort { uc($a->{name}) cmp uc ($b->{name}) }
$self->reset(); } |
General documentation
Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard | Top |
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.