TFBS::Matrix::PFM - class for raw position frequency matrix patterns
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
* creating a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object manually:
my $matrixref = [ [ 12, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 11, 7, 0 ],
[ 0, 9, 12, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 12 ]
my $pfm = TFBS::Matrix::PFM->new(-matrix => $matrixref,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"
# or
my $matrixstring =
"12 3 0 0 4 0\n0 0 0 11 7 0\n0 9 12 0 0 0\n0 0 0 1 1 12";
my $pfm = TFBS::Matrix::PFM->new(-matrixstring => $matrixstring,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"
=item * retrieving a TFBS::Matix::PFM object from a database:
(See documentation of individual TFBS::DB::* modules to learn
how to connect to different types of pattern databases and
retrieve TFBS::Matrix::* objects from them.)
my $db_obj = TFBS::DB::JASPAR2->new
(-connect => ["dbi:mysql:JASPAR2:myhost",
"myusername", "mypassword"]);
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_ID("M0001", "PFM");
# or
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_name("MyProfile", "PFM");
* retrieving list of individual TFBS::Matrix::PFM objects
(See the
TFBS::MatrixSet to learn how to create
objects for storage and manipulation of multiple matrices.)
my @pfm_list = $matrixset->all_patterns(-sort_by=>"name");
* convert a raw frequency matrix to other matrix types:
my $pwm = $pfm->to_PWM(); # convert to position weight matrix
my $icm = $icm->to_ICM(); # convert to information con
TFBS::Matrix::PFM is a class whose instances are objects representing
raw position frequency matrices (PFMs). A PFM is derived from N
nucleotide patterns of fixed size, e.g. the set of sequences
will give the matrix:
A:[ 12 3 0 0 4 0 ]
C:[ 0 0 0 11 7 0 ]
G:[ 0 9 12 0 0 0 ]
T:[ 0 0 0 1 1 12 ]
which contains the count of each nucleotide at each position in the
sequence. (If you have a set of sequences as above and want to
create a
TFBS::Matrix::PFM object out of them, have a look at
TFBS::PatternGen::SimplePFM module.)
PFMs are easily converted to other types of matrices, namely
information content matrices and position weight matrices. A
TFBS::Matrix::PFM object has the methods to_ICM and to_PWM which
do just that, returning a TFBS::Matrix::ICM and TFBS::Matrix::PWM
objects, respectively.
Methods description
Title : add_PFM Usage : $pfm->add_PFM($another_pfm) Function: adds the values of $pnother_pfm matrix to $pfm Returns : reference to the updated $pfm object Args : a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object |
Title : column_sum Usage : my $nr_sequences = $pfm->column_sum() Function: calculates the sum of elements of one column (the first one by default) which normally equals the number of sequences used to derive the PFM. Returns : the sum of elements of one column (an integer) Args : columnn number (starting from 1), OPTIONAL - you DO NOT need to specify it unless you are dealing with a matrix |
Title : draw_logo Usage : my $gd_image = $pfm->draw_logo() Function: draws a sequence logo; similar to the method in TFBS::Matrix::ICM, but can automatically calculate error bars for drawing Returns : a GD image object (see documentation of GD module) Args : many; PFM-specific options are: -small_sample_correction # One of # "Schneider" (uses correction # described by Schneider et al. # (Schneider t et al. (1986) J.Biol.Chem. # "pseudocounts" - standard pseudocount # correction, more suitable for # PFMs with large r column sums # If the parameter is ommited, small # sample correction is not applied
-draw_error_bars # if true, adds error bars to each position
# in the logo. To calculate the error bars,
# it uses the -small_sample_connection
# argument if explicitly set,
# or "Schneider" by default
For other args, see draw_logo entry in TFBS::Matrix::ICM documentation |
Title : new Usage : my $pfm = TFBS::Matrix::PFM->new(%args) Function: constructor for the TFBS::Matrix::PFM object Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PFM object Args : # you must specify either one of the following three: -matrix, # reference to an array of arrays of integers #or -matrixstring,# a string containing four lines # of tab- or space-delimited integers #or -matrixfile, # the name of a file containing four lines # of tab- or space-delimited integers ####### -name, # string, OPTIONAL -ID, # string, OPTIONAL -class, # string, OPTIONAL -tags # an array reference, OPTIONAL Warnings : Warns if the matrix provided has columns with different sums. Columns with different sums contradict the usual origin of matrix data and, unless you are absolutely sure that column sums _should_ be different, it would be wise to check your matrices. |
Title : to_ICM Usage : my $icm = $pfm->to_ICM() Function: converts a raw frequency matrix (a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object) to information content matrix. At present it assumes uniform background distribution of nucleotide frequencies. Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::ICM object Args : -small_sample_correction # undef (default), 'schneider' or 'pseudocounts'
How a PFM is converted to ICM: For a PFM element PFM[i,k], the probability without pseudocounts is estimated to be simply
p[i,k] = PFM[i,k] / Z
where - Z equals the column sum of the matrix i.e. the number of motifs used to construct the PFM. - i is the column index (position in the motif) - k is the row index (a letter in the alphacer, here k is one of (A,C,G,T) Here is how one normally calculates the pseudocount-corrected positional probability p'[i,j]:
p'[i,k] = (PFM[i,k] + 0.25*sqrt(Z)) / (Z + sqrt(Z))
0.25 is for the flat distribution of nucleotides, and sqrt(Z) is the recommended pseudocount weight. In the general case,
p'[i,k] = (PFM[i,k] + q[k]*B) / (Z + B)
where q[k] is the background distribution of the letter (nucleotide) k, and B an arbitrary pseudocount value or expression (for no pseudocounts B=0). For a given position i, the deviation from random distribution in bits is calculated as (Baldi and Brunak eq. 1.9 (2ed) or 1.8 (1ed)): - for an arbitrary alphabet of A letters:
D[i] = log2(A) + sum_for_all_k(p[i,k]*log2(p[i,k]))
- special case for nucleotides (A=4)
D[i] = 2 + sum_for_all_k(p[i,k]*log2(p[i,k]))
D[i] equals the information content of the position i in the motif. To calculate the entire ICM, you have to calculate the contrubution of each nucleotide at a position i to D[i], i.e. ICM[i,k] = p'[i,k] * D[i] |
Title : to_PWM Usage : my $pwm = $pfm->to_PWM() Function: converts a raw frequency matrix (a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object) to position weight matrix. At present it assumes uniform background distribution of nucleotide frequencies. Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PWM object Args : none; in the future releases, it should be able to accept a user defined background probability of the four nucleotides |
Methods code
sub _check_column_sums
{ my ($self) = @_;
my $pdl = $self->pdl_matrix->sever();
my $rowsums = $pdl->xchg(0,1)->sumover();
if ($rowsums->where($rowsums != $rowsums->slice(0))->getdim(0) > 0) {
$self->warn("PFM for ".$self->{ID}." has unequal column sums");
} } |
sub _is_bg_flat
{ my @bg = @_;
my $ref = shift;
foreach my $other (@bg) {
return 0 unless $ref==$other;
return 1;
1; } |
sub _schneider_Hnb_approx
{ my ($colsum, $Hg) = @_;
return $Hg -3/(2*log(2)*$colsum);
} |
sub _schneider_Hnb_exact
{ my ($n, $bg_pdl, $rFactorial) = @_;
my $is_flat = _is_bg_flat(list $bg_pdl);
return 0 if $n==1;
my ($na, $nc, $ng, $nt) = ($n, 0,0,0);
my $E_Hnb=0;
while (1) {
my $ns_pdl = pdl [$na, $nc, $ng, $nt];
my $Pnb = ($rFactorial->[$n]
/ ($rFactorial->[$na] *$rFactorial->[$nc] *$rFactorial->[$ng] *$rFactorial->[$nt]) )*prod($bg_pdl->transpose**pdl($na, $nc, $ng, $nt)); my $Hnb = -1 * sum(($ns_pdl/$n)*log2($ns_pdl/$n)->badmask(0));
$E_Hnb += $Pnb*$Hnb;
if ($nt) {
if ($ng) { $ng--; $nt++, }
elsif ($nc) { $nc--; $ng = $nt+1; $nt = 0; }
elsif ($na) { $na--; $nc = $nt+1; $nt = 0; }
else { last; }
else {
if ($ng) { $ng--; $nt++, }
elsif ($nc) { $nc--; $ng++; }
else { $na--; $nc++; $nt = 0; }
return $E_Hnb; } |
sub _schneider_Hnb_precomputed
{ my $i = shift;
if ($i<1 or $i>30) {
die "Precomputed params only available for colsums 1 to 30)";
my @precomputed =
0, 0.75, 1.11090234442608, 1.32398964833609, 1.46290503577084, 1.55922640783176, 1.62900374746751, 1.68128673969433, 1.7215504663901, 1.75328193031842, 1.77879136615189, 1.79965855531179, 1.81699248819687, 1.8315892710679, 1.84403166371213, 1.85475371994775, 1.86408383599326, 1.87227404728809, 1.87952034817826, 1.88597702438913, 1.89176691659196, 1.89698887214968, 1.90172322434865, 1.90603586889234, 1.90998133028897, 1.91360509239859, 1.91694538711761, 1.92003457997914, 1.92290025302018, 1.92556605820924, );
return $precomputed[$i-1]; } |
sub _schneider_correction
{ my ($pdl, $bg_pdl) = @_;
my $Hg = -sum ($bg_pdl*log2($bg_pdl));
my (@Hnbs, %saved_Hnb);
my $is_flat = _is_bg_flat(list $bg_pdl);
my @factorials = (1);
if (min($pdl->transpose->sumover) <= EXACT_SCHNEIDER_MAX) {
foreach my $i (1..max($pdl->transpose->sumover)) {
$factorials[$i] =$factorials[$i-1] * $i;
my @column_sums = list $pdl->transpose->sumover;
foreach my $colsum (@column_sums) {
if (defined($saved_Hnb{$colsum})) {
push @Hnbs, $saved_Hnb{$colsum};
else {
my $Hnb;
if ($colsum <= EXACT_SCHNEIDER_MAX) {
if ($is_flat) {
$Hnb = _schneider_Hnb_precomputed($colsum);
else {
$Hnb = _schneider_Hnb_exact($colsum, $bg_pdl,\@
else {
$Hnb = _schneider_Hnb_approx($colsum, $Hg);
$saved_Hnb{$colsum} = $Hnb;
push @Hnbs, $Hnb;
return -$Hg + pdl(@Hnbs); } |
sub add_PFM
{ my ($self, $pfm) = @_;
or $self->throw("Wrong or no argument passed to add_PFM");
my $sum = $self->pdl_matrix + $pfm->pdl_matrix;
return $self; } |
sub column_sum
{ my ($self, $column) = (@_,1);
return $self->pdl_matrix->slice($column-1)->sum; } |
sub draw_logo
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
if ($args{'-draw_error_bars'}) {
$args{'-small_sample_correction'} ||= "Schneider";
my $pdl_no_correction =
my $pdl_with_correction =
=> $args{'-small_sample_correction'})
$args{'-error_bars'} =
[list ($pdl_no_correction - $pdl_with_correction)];
$self->to_ICM(%args)->draw_logo(%args); } |
sub new
{ my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $matrix = TFBS::Matrix->new(%args, -matrixtype=>"PFM");
my $self = bless $matrix, ref($class) || $class;
return $self; } |
sub to_ICM
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $bg = ($args{'-bg_probabilities' } || $self->{'bg_probabilities'});
my $bg_pdl =
transpose pdl ($bg->{'A'}, $bg->{'C'}, $bg->{'G'}, $bg->{'T'});
my $Z_pdl = $self->pdl_matrix->xchg(0,1)->sumover;
my $B = 0;
if (lc($args{'-small_sample_correction'} or "") eq "pseudocounts") {
$B = sqrt($Z_pdl);
else {
$B = 0; }
my $p_pdl = ($self->pdl_matrix +$bg_pdl*$B)/ ($Z_pdl + $B); my $plog_pdl = $p_pdl*log2($p_pdl);
$plog_pdl = $plog_pdl->badmask(0);
my $D_pdl = 2 + $plog_pdl->xchg(0,1)->sumover;
my $ic_pdl = $p_pdl * $D_pdl;
if (lc($args{'-small_sample_correction'} or "") eq "schneider") {
my $columnsum_pdl = $ic_pdl->transpose->sumover;
my $corrected_columnsum_pdl =
+ _schneider_correction ($self->pdl_matrix, $bg_pdl);
$ic_pdl *= $corrected_columnsum_pdl/$columnsum_pdl; }
my $ICM = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new
( (map {("-$_" => $self->{$_})} keys %$self),
-tags =>\% { $self->{'tags'}},
-bg_probabilities =>\% { $self->{'bg_probabilities'}},
-matrix => $ic_pdl
return $ICM; } |
sub to_PWM
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $bg = ($args{'-bg_probabilities' } || $self->{'bg_probabilities'});
my $bg_pdl =
transpose pdl ($bg->{'A'}, $bg->{'C'}, $bg->{'G'}, $bg->{'T'});
my $nseqs = $self->pdl_matrix->sum / $self->length; my $q_pdl = ($self->pdl_matrix +$bg_pdl*sqrt($nseqs))
/ ($nseqs + sqrt($nseqs)); my $pwm_pdl = log2(4*$q_pdl);
my $PWM = TFBS::Matrix::PWM->new
( (map {("-$_", $self->{$_}) } keys %$self),
-tags =>\% { $self->{'tags'}},
-bg_probabilities =>\% { $self->{'bg_probabilities'}},
-matrix => $pwm_pdl
return $PWM; } |
General documentation
Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard | Top |
Boris Lenhard <>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.
The above methods are common to all matrix objects. Please consult
TFBS::Matrix to find out how to use them.