TFBS::Matrix::ICM - class for information content matrices of nucleotide
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
* creating a TFBS::Matrix::ICM object manually:
my $matrixref = [ [ 0.00, 0.30, 0.00, 0.00, 0.24, 0.00 ],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.45, 0.42, 0.00 ],
[ 0.00, 0.89, 2.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.13, 0.06, 2.00 ]
my $icm = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new(-matrix => $matrixref,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"
# or
my $matrixstring = <<ENDMATRIX
2.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.42 0.00
0.00 0.89 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 2.00
my $icm = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new(-matrixstring => $matrixstring,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"
* retrieving a TFBS::Matix::ICM object from a database:
(See documentation of individual TFBS::DB::* modules to learn
how to connect to different types of pattern databases and retrieve
TFBS::Matrix::* objects from them.)
my $db_obj = TFBS::DB::JASPAR2->new
(-connect => ["dbi:mysql:JASPAR2:myhost",
"myusername", "mypassword"]);
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_ID("M0001", "ICM");
# or
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_name("MyProfile", "ICM");
* retrieving list of individual TFBS::Matrix::ICM objects
(see decumentation of TFBS::MatrixSet to learn how to create
objects for storage and manipulation of multiple matrices)
my @icm_list = $matrixset->all_patterns(-sort_by=>"name");
* drawing a sequence logo
-full_scale =>2.25,
-ysize =>250,
-graph_title=>"C/EBPalpha binding site logo",
TFBS::Matrix::ICM is a class whose instances are objects representing
position weight matrices (PFMs). An ICM is normally calculated from a
raw position frequency matrix (see
TFBS::Matrix::PFMfor the explanation of position frequency matrices). For example, given
the following position frequency matrix,
A:[ 12 3 0 0 4 0 ]
C:[ 0 0 0 11 7 0 ]
G:[ 0 9 12 0 0 0 ]
T:[ 0 0 0 1 1 12 ]
the standard computational procedure is applied to convert it into the
following information content matrix:
A:[2.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00]
C:[0.00 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.42 0.00]
G:[0.00 0.89 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00]
T:[0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 2.00]
which contains the "weights" associated with the occurence of each
nucleotide at the given position in a pattern.
A TFBS::Matrix::PWM object is equipped with methods to search nucleotide
sequences and pairwise alignments of nucleotide sequences with the
pattern they represent, and return a set of sites in nucleotide
sequence (a TFBS::SiteSet object for single sequence search, and a
TFBS::SitePairSet for the alignment search).
Methods description
Title : _draw_ps_logo Usage : my $postscript_string = $icm->_draw_ps_logo(%args) Internal method, should be accessed using draw_logo() Function: Draws a "sequence logo", a graphical representation of a possibly degenerate fixed-width nucleotide sequence pattern, from the information content matrix Returns : a postscript string; if you only need the image file you can ignore it Args : -file, # the name of the output PNG image file # OPTIONAL: default none -xsize # width of the image in pixels # OPTIONAL: default 600 -ysize # height of the image in pixels # OPTIONAL: default 5/8 of -x_size -full_scale # the maximum value on the y-axis, in bits # OPTIONAL: default 2.25 -graph_title,# the graph title # OPTIONAL: default none -x_title, # x-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none -y_title # y-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none |
Title : draw_logo Usage : my $gdImageObj = $icm->draw_logo(%args) Function: Draws a "sequence logo", a graphical representation of a possibly degenerate fixed-width nucleotide sequence pattern, from the information content matrix Returns : a GD::Image object; if you only need the image file you can ignore it Args : -file, # the name of the output PNG image file # OPTIONAL: default none -xsize # width of the image in pixels # OPTIONAL: default 600 -ysize # height of the image in pixels # OPTIONAL: default 5/8 of -x_size -startpos # start position in the logo for x axis # OPTIONAL: default is 1 -margin # size of image margins in pixels # OPTIONAL: default 15% of -y_size -full_scale # the maximum value on the y-axis, in bits # OPTIONAL: default 2.25 -graph_title,# the graph title # OPTIONAL: default none -x_title, # x-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none -y_title # y-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none -error_bars # reference to an array of S.D. values for each column; OPTIONAL -ps # if true, produces a postscript string instead of a GD::Image object -pdf # if true AND the -file argumant is used, produces an output pdf file |
Title : new Usage : my $icm = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new(%args) Function: constructor for the TFBS::Matrix::ICM object Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::ICM object Args : # you must specify either one of the following three: -matrix, # reference to an array of arrays of integers #or -matrixstring,# a string containing four lines # of tab- or space-delimited integers #or -matrixfile, # the name of a file containing four lines # of tab- or space-delimited integers ####### -name, # string, OPTIONAL -ID, # string, OPTIONAL -class, # string, OPTIONAL -tags # an array reference, OPTIONAL |
Title : to_PWM Usage : my $pwm = $icm->to_PWM() Function: converts an information content matrix (a TFBS::Matrix::ICM object) to position weight matrix. At present it assumes uniform background distribution of nucleotide frequencies. Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PWM object Args : none; in the future releases, it should be able to accept a user defined background probability of the four nucleotides |
Methods code
BEGIN { eval "use SVG";
eval "use GD"; } |
sub _check_ic_validity
{ my ($self) = @_;
} |
sub _draw_ps_logo
{ my $self = shift;
my %args = (-xsize => 600,
-full_scale => 2.25,
-graph_title=> "",
-x_title => "",
-y_title => "",
my $xsize= $args{'-xsize'};
my $max_ysize= $args{'-ysize'} ||int 5* $args{'-xsize'}/8; my $ysize= $max_ysize*($args{'-full_scale'}-($args{'-full_scale'}-2))/$args{'-full_scale'};
my $x=100; my $y=100;
my $out= "%!PS-Adobe-2.0
%%Orientation: Portrait
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 ".($args{'-xsize'}*1.2)." ".( $max_ysize*1.5)."
%%Magnification: 1.0000
my %color;
$color{'black'}="0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor";
$color{'A'}="0.000 1.000 0.000 setrgbcolor";
$color{'C'}="0.000 0.000 1.000 setrgbcolor";
$color{'G'}="1.000 0.860 0.000 setrgbcolor";
$color{'T'}="1.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor";
my $fontsize= int $ysize*0.68;
my $fontwidth=1.5*($xsize/$self->length()); my %w_correct; $w_correct{'A'}=0.95;
my %y_next; $y_next{'A'}=1;
my %y_correct; $y_correct{'A'}=0;
my $font= $fontwidth/5; $out.="newpath\n ". ($x-10)." ". ($y+2*$ysize/4 )." moveto\n". "$x ". ($y+2*$ysize/4 ) ." lineto\n stroke\n";
$out.= "gsave\n/Times-Bold findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x-20). " ".( $y+$ysize/2)." moveto\n"; $out.=" (1) show\n grestore\n" ;
$out.="newpath\n ". ($x-10)." ". ($y+$ysize )." moveto\n". "$x ". ($y+$ysize) ." lineto\n stroke\n";
$out.="newpath\n ". ($x-10)." ". ($y+$max_ysize )." moveto\n". "$x ". ($y+$max_ysize) ." lineto\n stroke\n";
$out.= "gsave\n/Times-Bold findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x-20). " ".( $y+$ysize)." moveto\n";
$out.=" (2) show\n grestore\n" ;
$out.="newpath\n $x $y moveto\n". ($x). " ".($y+$max_ysize) ." lineto\n stroke\n";
$out.="newpath\n $x $y moveto\n". ($x+$xsize). " ".($y) ." lineto\n stroke\n";
if ($args{'-y_title'}){
$out.= "gsave\n/Times-Italic findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x-40). " ".( $y+$ysize/2)." moveto\n"; $out.=" 90 rotate ($args{'-y_title'}) show\n grestore\n" ;
if ($args{'-x_title'}){
$out.= "gsave\n/Times-Italic findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x+$xsize/2.5). " ".( $y*(0.60))." moveto\n"; $out.=" ($args{'-x_title'}) show\n grestore\n" ;
if ($args{'-title'}){
$out.= "gsave\n/Times-Roman findfont $color{black} [".($font*2)." 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x+$xsize/3). " ".( $y+$max_ysize*1.1)." moveto\n";
$out.=" ($args{'-title'}) show\n grestore\n" ;
my $col_width=($xsize/$self->length()) -0.006*$xsize; my $x_now;
for(my $i=1; $i<=$self->length(); $i++){
$out.="newpath\n ". ($x_now)." ". ($y)." moveto\n". ($x_now)." ". ($y-$ysize/20 ) ." lineto\n stroke\n"; $out.= "gsave\n/Times-Bold findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x_now-$col_width/2). " ".( $y-20)." moveto\n"; $out.=" ($i) show\n grestore\n" ;
foreach my $i (0..$self->length()-1 ) {
my %ic;
($ic{A}, $ic{C}, $ic{G}, $ic{T}) = list $self->pdl_matrix->slice($i);
my @draw_order = sort {$ic{$a}<=>$ic{$b}} qw(A C G T);
foreach my $letter (@draw_order){
$ic{$letter}=0.0000001 if ( $ic{$letter}==0); $out.= "gsave\n/Helvetica-Bold findfont $color{$letter} [".$fontwidth*$w_correct{$letter}." 0 0 ";
$out.= $ic{$letter}*$fontsize*$y_next{$letter} ;
$y+=$y_correct{$letter}*$ic{$letter}; $out.= " 0 0] makefont setfont\n$x $y moveto\n";
$out.= " ($letter) show\n grestore\n" ;
$y+=$fontsize*$ic{$letter}*0.75; }
$x+=$fontwidth/1.6; $y=100;
if ($args{-file}) {
open (PSFILE, ">".$args{-file})
or $self->throw("Could not write to ".$args{-file});
print PSFILE $out;
close PSFILE;
if ($args{-pdf}){
system "ps2pdf $args{-file} ".$args{-file}.".pdf ";
system " mv $args{-file}.pdf $args{-file}";
return $out; } |
sub _draw_svg_logo
{ my $self = shift;
my %args = (-xsize => 800,
-full_scale => 2.25,
-graph_title=> "",
-x_title => "",
-y_title => "",
my $max_ysize= $args{'-ysize'} ||int 5* $args{'-xsize'}/8; my ($xsize,$FULL_SCALE, $x_title, $y_title)
= @args{qw(-xsize -full_scale -x_title y_title)} ;
my $PER_PIXEL_LINE = 200;
my $ysize = ($args{-ysize} or $xsize/1.6); my $line_width = ($args{-line_width} or $ysize/$PER_PIXEL_LINE); my $margin = ($args{-margin} or $ysize*0.15);
my $image = SVG->new(width=>$xsize, height=>$ysize);
my $white = 'rgb(255,255,255)';
my $black = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
my $motif_size = $self->pdl_matrix->getdim(0);
my $fontsize = int ($ysize/25); my $title_font = {width=>$fontsize*1.5, height=>$fontsize*1.5};
my $font = {width=>$fontsize, height=>$fontsize};
x => $xsize/2, y => 0.6*$margin, 'text-anchor'=>'middle' )->cdata($args{-graph_title});
x => $xsize/2, y => $ysize -0.3*$margin, 'text-anchor'=>'middle' )->cdata($args{-x_title});
my $g = $image->group;
x => 0 ,
y => 0,
transform => 'rotate(-90) translate(-'.($ysize/2).','.($margin/2).')')->cdata($args{-y_title});
$image->rectangle(id => "y_axis",
style => {
fill => $black
x => $margin-$line_width,
y => $margin,
width => $line_width,
height => $ysize -2*$margin
$image->rectangle(id => "x_axis",
style => {
fill => $black
x => $margin-$line_width,
y => $ysize-$margin,
width => $xsize-2*$margin+$line_width,
height => $line_width
my $ic_1 = ($ysize - 2* $margin) / $FULL_SCALE; foreach my $i (1..$FULL_SCALE) {
$image->rectangle(x => $margin-3*$line_width,
y => $ysize-$margin - $i*$ic_1,
width => 3*$line_width,
height => $line_width
$image->text(x => $margin-5*$line_width - $font->{width},
y => $ysize - $margin - $i*$ic_1 +$font->{height}/2, 'font-size'=>$font->{width}, 'text-anchor'=>"right" )->cdata($i);
my %draw_letter = ( A =>\& _svg_draw_A,
C =>\& _svg_draw_C,
G =>\& _svg_draw_G,
T =>\& _svg_draw_T );
my $horiz_step = ($xsize -2*$margin) / $motif_size;
my $longest_label_length = length("$motif_size");
if (length ($args{-startpos}) > $longest_label_length) {
$longest_label_length = length ($args{-startpos});
if (length ($args{-startpos}+$motif_size) > $longest_label_length) {
$longest_label_length = length ($args{-startpos}+$motif_size);
my $draw_every_nth_label = int(($longest_label_length+0.25)*$font->{width}) / $horiz_step + 1;
foreach my $i (0..$motif_size) {
my $height = 3*$line_width;
if ($i and $i==$args{-startpos}*-1){
$height = 5*$line_width;
$image->rectangle(x => $margin + $i*$horiz_step -$line_width/2, y => $ysize-$margin, width => $line_width, height => $height ); last if $i==$motif_size;
my %ic;
($ic{A}, $ic{C}, $ic{G}, $ic{T}) = list $self->pdl_matrix->slice($i);
my @draw_order = sort {$ic{$a}<=>$ic{$b}} qw(A C G T);
my $xlettersize = $horiz_step*0.95;
my $ybottom = $ysize - $margin;
foreach my $base (@draw_order) {
my $ylettersize = $ic{$base}*$ic_1;
next if $ylettersize ==0;
$margin + $i*$horiz_step + 0.025* $horiz_step,
$ybottom - $ylettersize,
$xlettersize, $ylettersize, $white);
$ybottom = $ybottom - $ylettersize;
if ($args{'-error_bars'} and ref($args{'-error_bars'}) eq "ARRAY") {
my $sd_pix = int($args{'-error_bars'}->[$i]*$ic_1);
my $yt = $ybottom - $sd_pix+1;
my $yb = $ybottom + $sd_pix-1;
my $xpos = $margin + ($i+0.5)*$horiz_step;
my $half_width;
if ($yb > $ysize-$margin+$line_width) {
$yb = $ysize-$margin+$line_width
else {
$image->line(x1=>$xpos - $xlettersize/8, y1=> $yb, x2=> $xpos + $xlettersize/8, y2=>$yb, stroke=>$black,
$image->line(x1=>$xpos, y1=>$yt, x2=>$xpos, y2=>$yb, stroke=>$black,
$image->line(x1=>$xpos - $line_width , y1=>$ybottom, x2=>$xpos+$line_width, y2=>$ybottom, stroke=>$black,
$image->line(x1=>$xpos - $xlettersize/8, y1=>$yt, x2=>$xpos + $xlettersize/8, y2=>$yt, stroke=>$black,
my $xlabel = $i+ $args{-startpos};
if ($args{-startpos}<0 and $xlabel>=0) {
$xlabel ++;
if ($xlabel % $draw_every_nth_label == 0) {
$image->text(x => $margin + ($i+0.5)*$horiz_step - $font->{width}/2, y => $ysize - $margin +5*$line_width + $font->{width}/2,
if ($args{-file}) {
open (SVGFILE, ">".$args{-file})
or $self->throw("Could not write to ".$args{-file});
my $xml = $image->xmlify;
$xml =~ s/\s+<\/text/<\/text/gs;
print SVGFILE $xml;
close SVGFILE;
return $image; } |
sub _png_draw_A
my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
my $green = $im->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
my $outPoly = GD::Polygon->new();
$outPoly->addPt($x, $y+$ysize);
$outPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.42, $y);
$outPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.58, $y);
$outPoly->addPt($x+$xsize, $y+$ysize);
$outPoly->addPt($x+0.85*$xsize, $y+$ysize);
$outPoly->addPt($x+0.725*$xsize, $y+0.75*$ysize);
$outPoly->addPt($x+0.275*$xsize, $y+0.75*$ysize);
$outPoly->addPt($x+0.15*$xsize, $y+$ysize);
$im->filledPolygon($outPoly, $green);
if ($ysize>8) {
my $inPoly = GD::Polygon->new();
$inPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.5, $y+0.2*$ysize);
$inPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.34, $y+0.6*$ysize-1);
$inPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.64, $y+0.6*$ysize-1);
$im->filledPolygon($inPoly, $white);
return 1; } |
sub _png_draw_C
{ my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
my $blue = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,255);
$im->arc($x+$xsize*0.54, $y+$ysize/2,1.08*$xsize,$ysize,0,360,$blue); $im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $blue);
if ($ysize>12) {
$im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2, 0.75*$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize,
$im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white);
$im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/4+1,
$x+$xsize*1.1, $y+(3*$ysize/4)-1, $white); }
elsif ($ysize>3) {
$im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2, (0.75-0.75/$ysize)*$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize, 0,360,$white); $im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white);
$im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize*0.25, $y+$ysize/2, $x+$xsize*1.1, $y+$ysize/2,
return 1; } |
sub _png_draw_G
{ my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
my $yellow = $im->colorAllocate(200,200,0);
$im->arc($x+$xsize*0.54, $y+$ysize/2,1.08*$xsize,$ysize,0,360,$yellow); $im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $yellow);
if ($ysize>20) {
$im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2, 0.75*$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize,
$im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white);
$im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/4+1,
$x+$xsize*1.1, $y+$ysize/2-1, $white); }
elsif($ysize>3) {
$im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2, (0.75-0.75/$ysize)*$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize, 0,360,$white); $im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white);
$im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize*0.25, $y+$ysize/2, $x+$xsize*1.1, $y+$ysize/2,
$im->filledRectangle($x+0.85*$xsize, $y+$ysize/2, $x+$xsize,$y+(3*$ysize/4)-1,
$im->filledRectangle($x+0.6*$xsize, $y+$ysize/2, $x+$xsize,$y+(5*$ysize/8)-1,
return 1; } |
sub _png_draw_T
my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
my $red = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0);
$im->filledRectangle($x, $y, $x+$xsize, $y+0.16*$ysize, $red);
$im->filledRectangle($x+0.42*$xsize, $y, $x+0.58*$xsize, $y+$ysize, $red);
return 1; } |
sub _svg_draw_A
my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize) = @_;
$im->polygon( points => [$x, $y+$ysize, $x+$xsize*.42, $y, $x+$xsize*.58, $y, $x+$xsize, $y+$ysize,
$x+0.85*$xsize, $y+$ysize, $x+0.725*$xsize, $y+0.75*$ysize, $x+0.275*$xsize, $y+0.75*$ysize,
$x+0.15*$xsize, $y+$ysize, $x, $y+$ysize],
fill => 'rgb(0,255,0)'
$im->polygon( points => [$x+$xsize*.5, $y+0.2*$ysize, $x+$xsize*.34, $y+0.6*$ysize, $x+$xsize*.64, $y+0.6*$ysize ],
fill => 'rgb(255,255,255)');
return 1; } |
sub _svg_draw_C
{ my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize) = @_;
$im->ellipse(cx=>$x+$xsize*0.54, cy=>$y+$ysize/2, rx=>$xsize*0.54, ry=>$ysize/2,
fill => 'rgb(0,0,255)');
$im->ellipse( cx=>$x+$xsize*0.53, cy=>$y+$ysize/2, rx=>$xsize*0.375, ry=>$ysize*0.375, fill => 'rgb(255,255,255)'); $im->rectangle(x=>$x+$xsize/2, y=>$y+$ysize/4,
width =>$xsize*0.6, height =>$ysize/2, fill=> 'rgb(255,255,255)'); return 1; } |
sub _svg_draw_G
{ my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
$im->ellipse(cx => $x+$xsize*0.54, cy => $y+$ysize/2, rx => 0.54*$xsize, ry => $ysize/2,
fill => 'rgb(200,200,0)');
$im->ellipse(cx => $x+$xsize*0.53, cy => $y+$ysize/2, rx => 0.375*$xsize, ry => 0.375*$ysize, fill => 'rgb(255,255,255)');
$im->rectangle(x=>$x+$xsize/2, y=>$y+$ysize/4,
width =>$xsize*0.6, height =>$ysize/2, fill=> 'rgb(255,255,255)'); $im->rectangle(x=>$x+0.80*$xsize, y=>$y+$ysize/2, width =>$xsize*0.208, height =>$ysize/4,
fill=> 'rgb(200,200,0)');
$im->rectangle(x=>$x+0.6*$xsize, y=>$y+$ysize/2, width =>$xsize*0.408, height =>$ysize/8,
fill=> 'rgb(200,200,0)');
return 1; } |
sub _svg_draw_T
my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
$im->polygon (points =>[$x, $y, $x+$xsize, $y, $x+$xsize, $y+0.16*$ysize,
$x+0.58*$xsize, $y+0.16*$ysize, $x+0.58*$xsize, $y+$ysize,
$x+0.42*$xsize, $y+$ysize, $x+0.42*$xsize, $y+0.16*$ysize,
$x, $y+0.16*$ysize],
fill => 'rgb(255,0,0)');
return 1;
1; } |
sub draw_logo
no strict;
my $self = shift;
my %args = (-xsize => 600,
-full_scale => 2.25,
-graph_title=> "",
-x_title => "",
-y_title => "",
-startpos => 1,
if ($args{'-ps'} || $args{'-pdf'}){
return _draw_ps_logo($self, %args);
if ($args{'-svg'} || $args{'-SVG'}){
return _draw_svg_logo($self, %args);
my ($xsize,$FULL_SCALE, $x_title, $y_title)
= @args{qw(-xsize -full_scale -x_title y_title)} ;
my $PER_PIXEL_LINE = 300;
my $line_width = ($args{-line_width} or int ($xsize/$PER_PIXEL_LINE) or 1); my $ysize = ($args{-ysize} or $xsize/1.6); my $margin = ($args{-margin} or $ysize*0.15);
my $image = GD::Image->new($xsize, $ysize);
my $white = $image->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $black = $image->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
my $motif_size = $self->pdl_matrix->getdim(0);
my $font = ((&GD::gdTinyFont(), &GD::gdSmallFont(), &GD::gdMediumBoldFont(),
&GD::gdLargeFont(), &GD::gdGiantFont())[int(($ysize-50)/100)] or &GD::gdGiantFont()); my $title_font = ((&GD::gdSmallFont(), &GD::gdMediumBoldFont(),
&GD::gdLargeFont(), &GD::gdGiantFont())[int(($ysize-50)/100)] or &GD::gdGiantFont());
$xsize/2-length($args{-graph_title})* $title_font->width() /2,
$margin/2 - $title_font->height()/2,
$args{-graph_title}, $black);
$ysize-( $margin - $font->height()*0 - 5*$line_width)/2 - $font->height()/2*0,
($margin -$font->width()- 5*$line_width)/2 - $font->height()/2 ,
$args{'-y_title'}, $black);
$image->filledRectangle($margin-$line_width, $margin-$line_width,
$margin-1, $ysize-$margin+$line_width,
$image->filledRectangle($margin-$line_width, $ysize-$margin+1,
my $ic_1 = ($ysize - 2* $margin) / $FULL_SCALE; foreach my $i (1..$FULL_SCALE) {
$ysize-$margin - $i*$ic_1,
$ysize-$margin+$line_width - $i*$ic_1,
$margin-5*$line_width - $font->width,
$ysize - $margin - $i*$ic_1 - $font->height()/2, $i, $black); }
my %draw_letter = ( A =>\& _png_draw_A,
C =>\& _png_draw_C,
G =>\& _png_draw_G,
T =>\& _png_draw_T );
my $horiz_step = ($xsize -2*$margin) / $motif_size;
my $longest_label_length = length("$motif_size");
if (length ($args{-startpos}) > $longest_label_length) {
$longest_label_length = length ($args{-startpos});
if (length ($args{-startpos}+$motif_size) > $longest_label_length) {
$longest_label_length = length ($args{-startpos}+$motif_size);
my $draw_every_nth_label = int($longest_label_length*$font->width+2) / $horiz_step + 1; foreach my $i (0..$motif_size) {
$image->filledRectangle($margin + $i*$horiz_step,
$margin + $i*$horiz_step+ $line_width,
last if $i==$motif_size;
my %ic;
($ic{A}, $ic{C}, $ic{G}, $ic{T}) = list $self->pdl_matrix->slice($i);
my @draw_order = sort {$ic{$a}<=>$ic{$b}} qw(A C G T);
my $xlettersize = $horiz_step /1.1; my $ybottom = $ysize - $margin;
foreach my $base (@draw_order) {
my $ylettersize = int($ic{$base}*$ic_1 +0.5);
next if $ylettersize ==0;
$margin + $i*$horiz_step,
$ybottom - $ylettersize,
$xlettersize, $ylettersize, $white);
$ybottom = $ybottom - $ylettersize-1;
if ($args{'-error_bars'} and ref($args{'-error_bars'}) eq "ARRAY") {
my $sd_pix = int($args{'-error_bars'}->[$i]*$ic_1);
my $yt = $ybottom - $sd_pix+1;
my $yb = $ybottom + $sd_pix-1;
my $xpos = $margin + ($i+0.45)*$horiz_step;
my $half_width;
if ($yb > $ysize-$margin+$line_width) {
$yb = $ysize-$margin+$line_width
else {
$image->line($xpos - $xlettersize/8, $yb, $xpos + $xlettersize/8, $yb,
$image->line($xpos, $yt, $xpos, $yb, $black);
$image->line($xpos - 1 , $ybottom, $xpos+1, $ybottom, $black);
$image->line($xpos - $xlettersize/8, $yt, $xpos + $xlettersize/8, $yt,
my $xlabel = $i+ $args{-startpos};
if ($args{-startpos}<0 and $xlabel>=0) {
$xlabel ++;
if ($xlabel % $draw_every_nth_label == 0) {
$margin + ($i+0.5)*$horiz_step - $font->width()/2, $ysize - $margin +5*$line_width, $xlabel, $black); }
if ($args{-file}) {
open (PNGFILE, ">".$args{-file})
or $self->throw("Could not write to ".$args{-file});
print PNGFILE $image->png;
close PNGFILE;
return $image; } |
sub new
{ my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $matrix = TFBS::Matrix->new(%args, -matrixtype=>"ICM");
my $self = bless $matrix, ref($class) || $class;
return $self; } |
sub to_PWM
{ my ($self) = @_;
$self->throw ("Method to_PWM not yet implemented."); } |
sub total_ic
{ return $_[0]->pdl_matrix->sum(); } |
General documentation
Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard | Top |
Boris Lenhard <>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.
The above methods are common to all matrix objects. Please consult
TFBS::Matrix to find out how to use them.