TFBS::Matrix PWM
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
TFBS::Matrix::PWM - class for position weight matrices of nucleotide
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
Bio::Root::Root TFBS::Matrix
    * creating a TFBS::Matrix::PWM object manually:
my $matrixstring = <<ENDMATRIX
0.61 -3.16 1.83 -3.16 1.21 -0.06
-0.15 -2.57 -3.16 -3.16 -2.57 -1.83
-1.57 1.85 -2.57 -1.34 -1.57 1.14
0.31 -3.16 -2.57 1.76 0.24 -0.83
my $pwm = TFBS::Matrix::PWM->new(-matrixstring => $matrixstring,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"

    * retrieving a TFBS::Matix::PWM object from a database:
    (See documentation of individual TFBS::DB::* modules to learn
how to connect to different types of pattern databases and retrieve
TFBS::Matrix::* objects from them.)
    my $db_obj = TFBS::DB::JASPAR2->new
(-connect => ["dbi:mysql:JASPAR2:myhost",
"myusername", "mypassword"]);
my $pwm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_ID("M0001", "PWM");
# or
my $pwm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_name("MyProfile", "PWM");
    * retrieving list of individual TFBS::Matrix::PWM objects
    (see decumentation of TFBS::MatrixSet to learn how to create
objects for storage and manipulation of multiple matrices)
    my @pwm_list = $matrixset->all_patterns(-sort_by=>"name");
    * scanning a nucleotide sequence with a matrix
my $siteset = $pwm->search_seq(-file =>"myseq.fa",
-threshold => "80%");

    * scanning a pairwise alignment with a matrix
my $site_pair_set = $pwm->search_aln(-file =>"myalign.aln",
-threshold => "80%",
-cutoff => "70%",
-window => 50);

TFBS::Matrix::PWM is a class whose instances are objects representing
position weight matrices (PWMs). A PWM is normally calculated from a
raw position frequency matrix (see TFBS::Matrix::PFM
for the explanation of position frequency matrices). For example, given
the following position frequency matrix:
    A:[ 12     3     0     0     4     0  ]
C:[ 0 0 0 11 7 0 ]
G:[ 0 9 12 0 0 0 ]
T:[ 0 0 0 1 1 12 ]
The standard computational procedure is applied to convert it into the
following position weight matrix:
    A:[ 0.61 -3.16  1.83 -3.16  1.21 -0.06]
C:[-0.15 -2.57 -3.16 -3.16 -2.57 -1.83]
G:[-1.57 1.85 -2.57 -1.34 -1.57 1.14]
T:[ 0.31 -3.16 -2.57 1.76 0.24 -0.83]
which contains the "weights" associated with the occurence of each
nucleotide at the given position in a pattern.
A TFBS::Matrix::PWM object is equipped with methods to search nucleotide
sequences and pairwise alignments of nucleotide sequences with the
pattern they represent, and return a set of sites in nucleotide
sequence (a TFBS::SiteSet object for single sequence search, and a
TFBS::SitePairSet for the alignment search).
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
newcode    nextTop
 Title   : new
Usage : my $pwm = TFBS::Matrix::PWM->new(%args)
Function: constructor for the TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:
-matrix, # reference to an array of arrays of integers #or -matrixstring,# a string containing four lines # of tab- or space-delimited integers #or -matrixfile, # the name of a file containing four lines # of tab- or space-delimited integers ####### -name, # string, OPTIONAL -ID, # string, OPTIONAL -class, # string, OPTIONAL -tags # an array reference, OPTIONAL
 Title   : search_aln
Usage : my $site_pair_set = $pwm->search_aln(%args)
Function: Scans a pairwise alignment of nucleotide sequences
with the pattern represented by the PWM: it reports only
those hits that are present in equivalent positions of both
sequences and exceed a specified threshold score in both, AND
are found in regions of the alignment above the specified
conservation cutoff value.
Returns : a TFBS::SitePairSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:
-file, # the name of the alignment file in Clustal format #or -alignobj # a Bio::SimpleAlign object # (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a # subclass thereof) #or -alignstring # a multi-line string containing the alignment # in clustal format ############# -threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute # (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%") # OPTIONAL: default "80%" -window, # size of the sliding window (inn nucleotides) # for calculating local conservation in the # alignment # OPTIONAL: default 50 -cutoff # conservation cutoff (%) for including the # region in the results of the pattern search # OPTIONAL: default "70%" -subpart # subpart of the alignment to search, given as e.g. # -subpart => { relative_to => 1, # start => 140, # end => 180 } # where start and end are coordinates in the # sequence indicated by relative_to (1 for the # 1st sequence in the alignment, 2 for the 2nd) # OPTIONAL: by default searches entire alignment -conservation # conservation profile, a TFBS::ConservationProfile # OPTIONAL: by default the conservation profile is # computed internally on the fly (less efficient)
 Title   : search_seq
Usage : my $siteset = $pwm->search_seq(%args)
Function: scans a nucleotide sequence with the pattern represented
by the PWM
Returns : a TFBS::SiteSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:
-file, # the name od a fasta file (single sequence) #or -seqobj # a Bio::Seq object # (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a # subclass thereof) #or -seqstring # a string containing the sequence -threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute # (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%") # OPTIONAL: default "80%" -subpart # subpart of the sequence to search, given as # -subpart => { start => 140, # end => 180 } # where start and end are coordinates in the # sequence; the coordinate range is interpreted # in the BioPerl tradition (1-based, inclusive) # OPTIONAL: by default searches entire alignment
Methods code
    # nothing
} 1;
sub _bsearch {
    # this is Perl/PDL only search routine. For experimental purposes only
my ($self,%args) = @_; #the rest of @_ goes to _to_seqob;
my @PWMs; # prepare the sequence
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args); my $seqmatrix = (defined $seqobj->{_pdl_matrix}) ? $seqobj->{_pdl_matrix} : _seq_to_pdlmatrix($seqobj); # calculate threshold
my $threshold; if ($args{-threshold}) { if ($args{-threshold} =~ /(.+)%/) { # percentage
$threshold = $self->{min_score} + ($self->{max_score} - $self->{min_score})* $1/100;
} else { # absolute value
$threshold = $args{-threshold}; } } else { # no threshold given
$threshold = $self->{min_score} -1; } # do the analysis
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new(); foreach my $pwm ($self, $self->revcom()) { my $TFlength = $pwm->pdl_matrix->getdim(0); my $position_score_pdl = zeroes($seqmatrix->getdim(0) - $TFlength + 1); my $position_index_pdl = sequence($seqmatrix->getdim(0) - $TFlength + 1)+1; foreach my $i (0..($TFlength-1)) { my $columnproduct = $seqmatrix * $pwm->pdl_matrix->slice("$i,:"); $position_score_pdl += $columnproduct->xchg(0,1)->sumover->slice($i.":".($i-$TFlength)); } my @hitpositions = list $position_index_pdl->where($position_score_pdl >= $threshold); my @hitscores = list $position_score_pdl->where($position_score_pdl >= $threshold); for my $i(0..$#hitpositions) { my($pos,$score) = ($hitpositions[$i], $hitscores[$i]); my $siteseq = scalar($seqobj->subseq($pos, $pos+$TFlength-1)); my $site = TFBS::Site->new ( -seq_id => $seqobj->display_id(), -seqobj => $seqobj, -strand => $pwm->{strand}, -Matrix => $pwm, -siteseq => $siteseq, -score => $score, -start => $pos); $hitlist->add_site($site); } } return $hitlist;
sub _csearch {
    # this is a wrapper around Wyeth Wasserman's's pwm_searchPFF program
# until we do a proper extension
my ($self) = shift; #the rest of @_ goes to _to_seqob;
my %args = @_; my $PWM_SEARCH = $args{'-binary'} || "pwm_searchPFF"; # dump the sequence into a tempfile
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(@_); my ($fastaFH, $fastafile); if (defined $seqobj->{_fastaFH} and defined $seqobj->{_fastafile}) { ($fastaFH, $fastafile) = ($seqobj->{_fastaFH}, $seqobj->{_fastafile}); } else { ($fastaFH, $fastafile) = tmpnam(); my $seqFH = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-fh =>$fastaFH, -format=>"Fasta"); print $seqFH $seqobj; } # we need $fastafile below
# calculate threshold
my $threshold; if ($args{-threshold}) { if ($args{-threshold} =~ /(.+)%/) { # percentage
$threshold = $self->{min_score} + ($self->{max_score} - $self->{min_score})* $1/100;
} else { # absolute value
$threshold = $args{-threshold}; } } else { # no threshold given
$threshold = $self->{min_score} -1; } # convert piddle to text (there MUST be a better way)
my $pwmstring = sprintf ( $self->pdl_matrix ); $pwmstring =~ s/\[|\]//g; # lose []
$pwmstring =~ s/\n /\n/g; # lose leading spaces
my @pwmlines = split("\n", $pwmstring); # f
$pwmstring = join ("\n", @pwmlines[2..5])."\n"; # dump pwm into a tempfile
my ($pwmFH, $pwmfile) = tmpnam(); # we need $pwmfile below
print $pwmFH $pwmstring; close $pwmFH; # run pwmsearch
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new(); my ($TFname, $TFclass) = ($self->{name}, $self->{class}); my @search_result_lines = `$PWM_SEARCH $pwmfile $fastafile $threshold -n $TFname -c $TFclass`; foreach (@search_result_lines) { chomp; my ($seq_id, $factor, $class, $strand, $score, $pos, $siteseq) = (split)[0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9]; my $correct_strand = ($strand eq "+")? "-1" : "1"; my $site = TFBS::Site->new ( -seq_id => $seqobj->display_id()."", -seqobj => $seqobj, -strand => $correct_strand."", -pattern => $self, -siteseq => $siteseq."", -score => $score."", -start => $pos, -end => $pos + length($siteseq) -1 ); $hitlist->add_site($site); } # cleanup
unlink $fastafile unless $seqobj->{_fastafile}; unlink $pwmfile; return $hitlist;
sub _search {
    # this method runs the pwmsearch C extension and parses the data
# similarly to _csearch, which will eventually be discontinued
my ($self, %args) = @_; my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args); my ($subseq_start, $subseq_end) = (1,$seqobj->length); if(my $subpart = $args{-subpart}) { $subseq_start = $subpart->{-start}; $subseq_end = $subpart->{-end}; unless($subseq_start and $subseq_end) { $self->throw("Option -subpart missing suboption -start or -end"); } } return TFBS::Ext::pwmsearch::pwmsearch($self, $seqobj, ($args{-threshold} or 0), $subseq_start, $subseq_end);
sub _seq_to_pdlmatrix {
    # called from ?search
# not OO - help function for search
my $seqobj = shift; my $seqstring = uc($seqobj->seq()); my @perlarray; foreach (qw(A C G T)) { my $seqtobits = $seqstring; eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/$_/1/"; # curr. letter $_ to 1
eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/1/0/c"; # non-1s to 0
push @perlarray, [split("", $seqtobits)]; } return byte (\@perlarray);
sub _set_min_max_score {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $transpose = $self->pdl_matrix->xchg(0,1);
    $self->{min_score} = sum(minimum $transpose);
    $self->{max_score} = sum(maximum $transpose);
sub _to_seqobj {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $seq;
    if ($args{-file})  {    # not a Bio::Seq
return Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $args{-file}, -format => 'fasta', -moltype => 'dna')->next_seq(); } elsif ($args{-seqstring} or $args{-seq}) { # I guess it's a string then
return Bio::Seq->new(-seq => ($args{-seqstring} or $args{-seq}), -id => ($args{-seq_id} or "undefined"), -moltype => 'dna'); } elsif ($args{'-seqobj'} and ref($args{'-seqobj'}) and $args{'-seqobj'}->can("seq")) { # do nothing (maybe check later)
return $args{'-seqobj'}; } #elsif (ref($format) =~ /Bio\:\:Seq/ and !defined $seq) {
# if only one parameter passed and it's a Bio::Seq
#return $format;
else { $self->throw ("Wrong parametes passed to search method: ".%args); }
sub max_score {
sub min_score {
sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $matrix = TFBS::Matrix->new(%args, -matrixtype=>"PWM");
    my $self = bless $matrix, ref($class) || $class;
    return $self;
sub search_aln {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    unless ($args{-alignstring} or $args{-alignobj} or $args{-file}) {
	    ("No alignment file, string or object passed to search_aln.");
    $args{-pattern_set} = $self;
    my $aln = ($args{-alignment_setup} or TFBS::Matrix::_Alignment->new(%args));
    return $aln->site_pair_set;
sub search_seq {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
General documentation
Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris LenhardTop
Boris Lenhard <>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.
The above methods are common to all matrix objects. Please consult
TFBS::Matrix to find out how to use them.