

Summary Included libraries Package variables Synopsis Description General documentation Methods

TFBS::Matrix::PFM - class for raw position frequency matrix patterns
Package variables top
No package variables defined.
Included modulestop
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
constant EXACT_SCHNEIDER_MAX => 30
Inherit top
Bio::Root::Root TFBS::Matrix

* creating a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object manually:
my $matrixref = [ [ 12, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 11, 7, 0 ],
[ 0, 9, 12, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 12 ]
my $pfm = TFBS::Matrix::PFM->new(-matrix => $matrixref,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"
# or

my $matrixstring =
"12 3 0 0 4 0\n0 0 0 11 7 0\n0 9 12 0 0 0\n0 0 0 1 1 12";

my $pfm = TFBS::Matrix::PFM->new(-matrixstring => $matrixstring,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"

=item * retrieving a TFBS::Matix::PFM object from a database:

(See documentation of individual TFBS::DB::* modules to learn
how to connect to different types of pattern databases and
retrieve TFBS::Matrix::* objects from them.)

my $db_obj = TFBS::DB::JASPAR2->new
(-connect => ["dbi:mysql:JASPAR2:myhost",
"myusername", "mypassword"]);
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_ID("M0001", "PFM");
# or
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_name("MyProfile", "PFM");

(See the TFBS::MatrixSet to learn how to create
objects for storage and manipulation of multiple matrices.)

my @pfm_list = $matrixset->all_patterns(-sort_by=>"name");

* convert a raw frequency matrix to other matrix types:
my $pwm = $pfm->to_PWM(); # convert to position weight matrix
my $icm = $icm->to_ICM(); # convert to information con

TFBS::Matrix::PFM is a class whose instances are objects representing
raw position frequency matrices (PFMs). A PFM is derived from N
nucleotide patterns of fixed size, e.g. the set of sequences


will give the matrix:

A:[ 12 3 0 0 4 0 ]
C:[ 0 0 0 11 7 0 ]
G:[ 0 9 12 0 0 0 ]
T:[ 0 0 0 1 1 12 ]

which contains the count of each nucleotide at each position in the
sequence. (If you have a set of sequences as above and want to
create a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object out of them, have a look at
TFBS::PatternGen::SimplePFM module.)

PFMs are easily converted to other types of matrices, namely
information content matrices and position weight matrices. A
TFBS::Matrix::PFM object has the methods to_ICM and to_PWM which
do just that, returning a TFBS::Matrix::ICM and TFBS::Matrix::PWM
objects, respectively.
DESTROYNo descriptionCode
_check_column_sumsNo descriptionCode
log2No descriptionCode

Methods description

 Title   : add_PFM
Usage : $pfm->add_PFM($another_pfm)
Function: adds the values of $pnother_pfm matrix to $pfm
Returns : reference to the updated $pfm object
Args : a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object
 Title   : column_sum
Usage : my $nr_sequences = $pfm->column_sum()
Function: calculates the sum of elements of one column
(the first one by default) which normally equals the
number of sequences used to derive the PFM.
Returns : the sum of elements of one column (an integer)
Args : columnn number (starting from 1), OPTIONAL - you DO NOT
need to specify it unless you are dealing with a matrix
 Title   : draw_logo
Usage : my $gd_image = $pfm->draw_logo()
Function: draws a sequence logo; similar to the
method in TFBS::Matrix::ICM, but can automatically calculate
error bars for drawing
Returns : a GD image object (see documentation of GD module)
Args : many; PFM-specific options are:
-small_sample_correction # One of
# "Schneider" (uses correction
# described by Schneider et al.
# (Schneider t et al. (1986) J.Biol.Chem.
# "pseudocounts" - standard pseudocount
# correction, more suitable for
# PFMs with large r column sums
# If the parameter is ommited, small
# sample correction is not applied

-draw_error_bars # if true, adds error bars to each position
# in the logo. To calculate the error bars,
# it uses the -small_sample_connection
# argument if explicitly set,
# or "Schneider" by default
For other args, see draw_logo entry in TFBS::Matrix::ICM documentation
 Title   : new
Usage : my $pfm = TFBS::Matrix::PFM->new(%args)
Function: constructor for the TFBS::Matrix::PFM object
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PFM object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:

-matrix, # reference to an array of arrays of integers
-matrixstring,# a string containing four lines
# of tab- or space-delimited integers
-matrixfile, # the name of a file containing four lines
# of tab- or space-delimited integers

-name, # string, OPTIONAL
-ID, # string, OPTIONAL
-class, # string, OPTIONAL
-tags # an array reference, OPTIONAL
Warnings : Warns if the matrix provided has columns with different
sums. Columns with different sums contradict the usual
origin of matrix data and, unless you are absolutely sure
that column sums _should_ be different, it would be wise to
check your matrices.
 Title   : to_ICM
Usage : my $icm = $pfm->to_ICM()
Function: converts a raw frequency matrix (a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object)
to information content matrix. At present it assumes uniform
background distribution of nucleotide frequencies.
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::ICM object
Args : -small_sample_correction # undef (default), 'schneider' or 'pseudocounts'

How a PFM is converted to ICM:

For a PFM element PFM[i,k], the probability without
pseudocounts is estimated to be simply

p[i,k] = PFM[i,k] / Z

- Z equals the column sum of the matrix i.e. the number of motifs used
to construct the PFM.
- i is the column index (position in the motif)
- k is the row index (a letter in the alphacer, here k is one of

Here is how one normally calculates the pseudocount-corrected positional
probability p'[i,j]:

p'[i,k] = (PFM[i,k] + 0.25*sqrt(Z)) / (Z + sqrt(Z))

0.25 is for the flat distribution of nucleotides, and sqrt(Z) is the
recommended pseudocount weight. In the general case,

p'[i,k] = (PFM[i,k] + q[k]*B) / (Z + B)

where q[k] is the background distribution of the letter (nucleotide) k,
and B an arbitrary pseudocount value or expression (for no pseudocounts

For a given position i, the deviation from random distribution in bits
is calculated as (Baldi and Brunak eq. 1.9 (2ed) or 1.8 (1ed)):

- for an arbitrary alphabet of A letters:

D[i] = log2(A) + sum_for_all_k(p[i,k]*log2(p[i,k]))

- special case for nucleotides (A=4)

D[i] = 2 + sum_for_all_k(p[i,k]*log2(p[i,k]))

D[i] equals the information content of the position i in the motif. To
calculate the entire ICM, you have to calculate the contrubution of each
nucleotide at a position i to D[i], i.e.

ICM[i,k] = p'[i,k] * D[i]
 Title   : to_PWM
Usage : my $pwm = $pfm->to_PWM()
Function: converts a raw frequency matrix (a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object)
to position weight matrix. At present it assumes uniform
background distribution of nucleotide frequencies.
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
Args : none; in the future releases, it should be able to accept
a user defined background probability of the four

Methods code

    ## does nothing
sub _check_column_sums {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $pdl = $self->pdl_matrix();
    my $rowsums = $pdl->xchg(0,1)->sumover();
    if ($rowsums->where($rowsums != $rowsums->slice(0))->getdim(0) > 0)  {
	$self->warn("PFM for ".$self->{ID}." has unequal column sums");
sub add_PFM {
    my ($self, $pfm) = @_;
	or $self->throw("Wrong or no argument passed to add_PFM");
    my $sum = $self->pdl_matrix + $pfm->pdl_matrix;
    return $self;
sub column_sum {
    my ($self, $column) = (@_,1);
    return $self->pdl_matrix($column-1)->sum;
sub draw_logo {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    if ($args{'-draw_error_bars'})  {
	$args{'-small_sample_correction'} ||= "Schneider"; ## default Schneider
my $pdl_no_correction = $self->to_ICM() ->pdl_matrix->transpose->sumover; my $pdl_with_correction = $self->to_ICM(-small_sample_correction => $args{'-small_sample_correction'}) ->pdl_matrix->transpose->sumover; $args{'-error_bars'} = [list ($pdl_no_correction - $pdl_with_correction)]; } $self->to_ICM(%args)->draw_logo(%args);
sub log2 {
 log($_[0]) / log(2); }

sub _schneider_correction {
my (
$pdl, $bg_pdl) = @_;
my $Hg = -sum ($bg_pdl*log2($bg_pdl)); my (@Hnbs, %saved_Hnb); my $is_flat = _is_bg_flat(list $bg_pdl); my @factorials = (1); if (min($pdl->transpose->sumover) <= EXACT_SCHNEIDER_MAX) { foreach my $i (1..max($pdl->transpose->sumover)) { $factorials[$i] =$factorials[$i-1] * $i; } } my @column_sums = list $pdl->transpose->sumover; foreach my $colsum (@column_sums) { if (defined($saved_Hnb{$colsum})) { push @Hnbs, $saved_Hnb{$colsum}; } else { my $Hnb; if ($colsum <= EXACT_SCHNEIDER_MAX) { if ($is_flat) { $Hnb = _schneider_Hnb_precomputed($colsum); } else { $Hnb = _schneider_Hnb_exact($colsum, $bg_pdl,\@ factorials); } } else { $Hnb = _schneider_Hnb_approx($colsum, $Hg); } $saved_Hnb{$colsum} = $Hnb; push @Hnbs, $Hnb; } } return -$Hg + pdl(@Hnbs); } sub _schneider_Hnb_exact { my ($n, $bg_pdl, $rFactorial) = @_; my $is_flat = _is_bg_flat(list $bg_pdl); return 0 if $n==1; ## my @fctrl = (1);
## foreach my $i (1..max($pdl->transpose->sumover)) {
## $rFactorial->[$i] =$rFactorial->[$i-1] * $i;
## }
## my @colsum = list $pdl->transpose->sumover;
my ($na, $nc, $ng, $nt) = ($n, 0,0,0); ## my $n = $colsum[0];
my $E_Hnb=0; while (1) { my $ns_pdl = pdl [$na, $nc, $ng, $nt]; my $Pnb = ($rFactorial->[$n] /
$bg_pdl->transpose**pdl($na, $nc, $ng, $nt));
my $Hnb = -1 * sum(($ns_pdl/$n)*log2($ns_pdl/$n)->badmask(0)); $E_Hnb += $Pnb*$Hnb; if ($nt) { if ($ng) { $ng--; $nt++, } elsif ($nc) { $nc--; $ng = $nt+1; $nt = 0; } elsif ($na) { $na--; $nc = $nt+1; $nt = 0; } else { last; } } else { if ($ng) { $ng--; $nt++, } elsif ($nc) { $nc--; $ng++; } else { $na--; $nc++; $nt = 0; } } } return $E_Hnb; } sub _schneider_Hnb_approx { my ($colsum, $Hg) = @_; return $Hg -3/(2*log(2)*$colsum);
} sub _schneider_Hnb_precomputed { my $i = shift; if ($i<1 or $i>30) { die "Precomputed params only available for colsums 1 to 30)"; } my @precomputed = ( 0, ## 1
0.75, ## 2
1.11090234442608, ## 3
1.32398964833609, ## 4
1.46290503577084, ## 5
1.55922640783176, ## 6
1.62900374746751, ## 7
1.68128673969433, ## 8
1.7215504663901, ## 9
1.75328193031842, ## 10
1.77879136615189, ## 11
1.79965855531179, ## 12
1.81699248819687, ## 13
1.8315892710679, ## 14
1.84403166371213, ## 15
1.85475371994775, ## 16
1.86408383599326, ## 17
1.87227404728809, ## 18
1.87952034817826, ## 19
1.88597702438913, ## 20
1.89176691659196, ## 21
1.89698887214968, ## 22
1.90172322434865, ## 23
1.90603586889234, ## 24
1.90998133028897, ## 25
1.91360509239859, ## 26
1.91694538711761, ## 27
1.92003457997914, ## 28
1.92290025302018, ## 29
1.92556605820924, ## 30
); return $precomputed[$i-1]; } sub _is_bg_flat { my @bg = @_; my $ref = shift; foreach my $other (@bg) { return 0 unless $ref==$other; } return 1; } 1;
sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $matrix = TFBS::Matrix->new(%args, -matrixtype=>"PFM");
    my $self = bless $matrix, ref($class) || $class;
    return $self;
sub to_ICM {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $bg = ($args{'-bg_probabilities' } || $self->{'bg_probabilities'});

    ## compute ICM
my $bg_pdl = transpose pdl ($bg->{'A'}, $bg->{'C'}, $bg->{'G'}, $bg->{'T'}); my $Z_pdl = $self->pdl_matrix(0,1)->sumover; ## pseudocount calculation
my $B = 0; if (lc($args{'-small_sample_correction'} or "") eq "pseudocounts") { $B = sqrt($Z_pdl); } else { $B = 0; ## do not add pseudocounts
} my $p_pdl = ($self->pdl_matrix +$bg_pdl*$B)/ ($Z_pdl + $B);
my $plog_pdl = $p_pdl*log2($p_pdl); $plog_pdl = $plog_pdl->badmask(0); my $D_pdl = 2 + $plog_pdl->xchg(0,1)->sumover; my $ic_pdl = $p_pdl * $D_pdl; ## apply Schneider correction if requested
if (lc($args{'-small_sample_correction'} or "") eq "schneider") { my $columnsum_pdl = $ic_pdl->transpose->sumover; my $corrected_columnsum_pdl = $columnsum_pdl + _schneider_correction ($self->pdl_matrix, $bg_pdl); $ic_pdl *= $corrected_columnsum_pdl/$columnsum_pdl;
} ## construct and return an ICM object
my $ICM = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new ( (map {("-$_" => $self->{$_})} keys %$self), -tags =>\% { $self->{'tags'}}, -bg_probabilities =>\% { $self->{'bg_probabilities'}}, -matrix => $ic_pdl ); return $ICM;
sub to_PWM {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $bg = ($args{'-bg_probabilities' } || $self->{'bg_probabilities'});
    my $bg_pdl = 
	transpose pdl ($bg->{'A'}, $bg->{'C'}, $bg->{'G'}, $bg->{'T'});
    my $nseqs = $self->pdl_matrix->sum / $self->length;
my $q_pdl = ($self->pdl_matrix +$bg_pdl*sqrt($nseqs)) /
$nseqs + sqrt($nseqs));
my $pwm_pdl = log2(4*$q_pdl); my $PWM = TFBS::Matrix::PWM->new ( (map {("-$_", $self->{$_}) } keys %$self), ## do not want tags to point to the same arrayref as in $self:
-tags =>\% { $self->{'tags'}}, -bg_probabilities =>\% { $self->{'bg_probabilities'}}, -matrix => $pwm_pdl ); return $PWM;

General documentation

Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard top
Boris Lenhard>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.
name top

ID top

class top

matrix top

length top

revcom top

rawprint top

prettyprint top
The above methods are common to all matrix objects. Please consult
TFBS::Matrix to find out how to use them.