

Summary Included libraries Package variables Synopsis Description General documentation Methods

TFBS::Matrix::PWM - class for position weight matrices of nucleotide
Package variables top
No package variables defined.
Included modulestop
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
Inherit top
Bio::Root::Root TFBS::Matrix

* creating a TFBS::Matrix::PWM object manually:
my $matrixref = [ [ 0.61, -3.16, 1.83, -3.16, 1.21, -0.06],
[-0.15, -2.57, -3.16, -3.16, -2.57, -1.83],
[-1.57, 1.85, -2.57, -1.34, -1.57, 1.14],
[ 0.31, -3.16, -2.57, 1.76, 0.24, -0.83]
my $pwm = TFBS::Matrix::PWM->new(-matrix => $matrixref,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"
# or

my $matrixstring = <<ENDMATRIX
0.61 -3.16 1.83 -3.16 1.21 -0.06
-0.15 -2.57 -3.16 -3.16 -2.57 -1.83
-1.57 1.85 -2.57 -1.34 -1.57 1.14
0.31 -3.16 -2.57 1.76 0.24 -0.83
my $pwm = TFBS::Matrix::PWM->new(-matrixstring => $matrixstring,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"

* retrieving a TFBS::Matix::PWM object from a database:
(See documentation of individual TFBS::DB::* modules to learn
how to connect to different types of pattern databases and retrieve
TFBS::Matrix::* objects from them.)

my $db_obj = TFBS::DB::JASPAR2->new
(-connect => ["dbi:mysql:JASPAR2:myhost",
"myusername", "mypassword"]);
my $pwm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_ID("M0001", "PWM");
# or
my $pwm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_name("MyProfile", "PWM");

(see decumentation of TFBS::MatrixSet to learn how to create
objects for storage and manipulation of multiple matrices)

my @pwm_list = $matrixset->all_patterns(-sort_by=>"name");

* scanning a nucleotide sequence with a matrix
my $siteset = $pwm->search_seq(-file =>"myseq.fa",
-threshold => "80%");

* scanning a pairwise alignment with a matrix
my $site_pair_set = $pwm->search_aln(-file =>"myalign.aln",
-threshold => "80%",
-cutoff => "70%",
-window => 50);

TFBS::Matrix::PWM is a class whose instances are objects representing
position weight matrices (PWMs). A PWM is normally calculated from a
raw position frequency matrix (see TFBS::Matrix::PFM
for the explanation of position frequency matrices). For example, given
the following position frequency matrix:

A:[ 12 3 0 0 4 0 ]
C:[ 0 0 0 11 7 0 ]
G:[ 0 9 12 0 0 0 ]
T:[ 0 0 0 1 1 12 ]

The standard computational procedure is applied to convert it into the
following position weight matrix:

A:[ 0.61 -3.16 1.83 -3.16 1.21 -0.06]
C:[-0.15 -2.57 -3.16 -3.16 -2.57 -1.83]
G:[-1.57 1.85 -2.57 -1.34 -1.57 1.14]
T:[ 0.31 -3.16 -2.57 1.76 0.24 -0.83]

which contains the "weights" associated with the occurence of each
nucleotide at the given position in a pattern.

A TFBS::Matrix::PWM object is equipped with methods to search nucleotide
sequences and pairwise alignments of nucleotide sequences with the
pattern they represent, and return a set of sites in nucleotide
sequence (a TFBS::SiteSet object for single sequence search, and a
TFBS::SitePairSet for the alignment search).
DESTROYNo descriptionCode
_bsearchNo descriptionCode
_csearchNo descriptionCode
_searchNo descriptionCode
_seq_to_pdlmatrixNo descriptionCode
_set_min_max_scoreNo descriptionCode
_to_seqobjNo descriptionCode
max_scoreNo descriptionCode
min_scoreNo descriptionCode

Methods description

 Title   : new
Usage : my $pwm = TFBS::Matrix::PWM->new(%args)
Function: constructor for the TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:

-matrix, # reference to an array of arrays of integers
-matrixstring,# a string containing four lines
# of tab- or space-delimited integers
-matrixfile, # the name of a file containing four lines
# of tab- or space-delimited integers

-name, # string, OPTIONAL
-ID, # string, OPTIONAL
-class, # string, OPTIONAL
-tags # an array reference, OPTIONAL
 Title   : search_aln
Usage : my $site_pair_set = $pwm->search_aln(%args)
Function: Scans a pairwise alignment of nucleotide sequences
with the pattern represented by the PWM: it reports only
those hits that are present in equivalent positions of both
sequences and exceed a specified threshold score in both, AND
are found in regions of the alignment above the specified
conservation cutoff value.
Returns : a TFBS::SitePairSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:

-file, # the name of the alignment file in Clustal
-alignobj # a Bio::SimpleAlign object
# (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a
# subclass thereof)
-alignstring # a multi-line string containing the alignment
# in clustal format

-threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute
# (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%")
# OPTIONAL: default "80%"

-window, # size of the sliding window (inn nucleotides)
# for calculating local conservation in the
# alignment
# OPTIONAL: default 50

-cutoff # conservation cutoff (%) for including the
# region in the results of the pattern search
# OPTIONAL: default "70%"

-subpart # subpart of the alignment to search, given as e.g.
# -subpart => { relative_to => 1,
# start => 140,
# end => 180 }
# where start and end are coordinates in the
# sequence indicated by relative_to (1 for the
# 1st sequence in the alignment, 2 for the 2nd)
# OPTIONAL: by default searches entire alignment

# conservation profile, a TFBS::ConservationProfile
# OPTIONAL: by default the conservation profile is
# computed internally on the fly (less efficient)
 Title   : search_seq
Usage : my $siteset = $pwm->search_seq(%args)
Function: scans a nucleotide sequence with the pattern represented
by the PWM
Returns : a TFBS::SiteSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:

-file, # the name od a fasta file (single sequence)
-seqobj # a Bio::Seq object
# (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a
# subclass thereof)
-seqstring # a string containing the sequence

-threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute
# (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%")
# OPTIONAL: default "80%"

-subpart # subpart of the sequence to search, given as
# -subpart => { start => 140,
# end => 180 }
# where start and end are coordinates in the
# sequence; the coordinate range is interpreted
# in the BioPerl tradition (1-based, inclusive)
# OPTIONAL: by default searches entire alignment

Methods code

    ## nothing
sub _bsearch {
    ## this is Perl/PDL only search routine. For experimental purposes only
my ($self,%args) = @_; ##the rest of @_ goes to _to_seqob;
my @PWMs; ## prepare the sequence
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args); my $seqmatrix = (defined $seqobj->{_pdl_matrix}) ? $seqobj->{_pdl_matrix} : _seq_to_pdlmatrix($seqobj); ## calculate threshold
my $threshold; if ($args{-threshold}) { if ($args{-threshold} =~ /(.+)%/) { ## percentage
$threshold = $self->{min_score} + ($self->{max_score} - $self->{min_score})* $1/100;
} else { ## absolute value
$threshold = $args{-threshold}; } } else { ## no threshold given
$threshold = $self->{min_score} -1; } ## do the analysis
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new(); foreach my $pwm ($self, $self->revcom()) { my $TFlength = $pwm->pdl_matrix(0); my $position_score_pdl = zeroes($seqmatrix->getdim(0) - $TFlength + 1); my $position_index_pdl = sequence($seqmatrix->getdim(0) - $TFlength + 1)+1; foreach my $i (0..($TFlength-1)) { my $columnproduct = $seqmatrix * $pwm->pdl_matrix("$i,:"); $position_score_pdl += $columnproduct->xchg(0,1)->sumover($i.":".($i-$TFlength)); } my @hitpositions = list $position_index_pdl->where($position_score_pdl >= $threshold); my @hitscores = list $position_score_pdl->where($position_score_pdl >= $threshold); for my $i(0..$##hitpositions) {
my($pos,$score) = ($hitpositions[$i], $hitscores[$i]); my $siteseq = scalar($seqobj->subseq($pos, $pos+$TFlength-1)); my $site = TFBS::Site->new ( -seq_id => $seqobj->display_id(), -seqobj => $seqobj, -strand => $pwm->{strand}, -Matrix => $pwm, -siteseq => $siteseq, -score => $score, -start => $pos); $hitlist->add_site($site); }
sub _csearch {
    ## this is a wrapper around Wyeth Wasserman's's pwm_searchPFF program
## until we do a proper extension
my ($self) = shift; ##the rest of @_ goes to _to_seqob;
my %args = @_; my $PWM_SEARCH = $args{'-binary'} || "pwm_searchPFF"; ## dump the sequence into a tempfile
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(@_); my ($fastaFH, $fastafile); if (defined $seqobj->{_fastaFH} and defined $seqobj->{_fastafile}) { ($fastaFH, $fastafile) = ($seqobj->{_fastaFH}, $seqobj->{_fastafile}); } else { ($fastaFH, $fastafile) = tmpnam(); my $seqFH = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-fh =>$fastaFH, -format=>"Fasta"); print $seqFH $seqobj; } ## we need $fastafile below
## calculate threshold
my $threshold; if ($args{-threshold}) { if ($args{-threshold} =~ /(.+)%/) { ## percentage
$threshold = $self->{min_score} + ($self->{max_score} - $self->{min_score})* $1/100;
} else { ## absolute value
$threshold = $args{-threshold}; } } else { ## no threshold given
$threshold = $self->{min_score} -1; } ## convert piddle to text (there MUST be a better way)
my $pwmstring = sprintf ( $self->pdl_matrix ); $pwmstring =~ s/\[|\]//g; ## lose []
$pwmstring =~ s/\n /\n/g; ## lose leading spaces
my @pwmlines = split("\n", $pwmstring); ## f
$pwmstring = join ("\n", @pwmlines[2..5])."\n"; ## dump pwm into a tempfile
my ($pwmFH, $pwmfile) = tmpnam(); ## we need $pwmfile below
print $pwmFH $pwmstring; close $pwmFH; ## run pwmsearch
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new(); my ($TFname, $TFclass) = ($self->{name}, $self->{class}); my @search_result_lines = `$PWM_SEARCH $pwmfile $fastafile $threshold -n $TFname -c $TFclass`; foreach (@search_result_lines) { chomp; my ($seq_id, $factor, $class, $strand, $score, $pos, $siteseq) = (split)[0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9]; my $correct_strand = ($strand eq "+")? "-1" : "1"; my $site = TFBS::Site->new ( -seq_id => $seqobj->display_id()."", -seqobj => $seqobj, -strand => $correct_strand."", -pattern => $self, -siteseq => $siteseq."", -score => $score."", -start => $pos, -end => $pos + length($siteseq) -1 ); $hitlist->add_site($site); } ## cleanup
unlink $fastafile unless $seqobj->{_fastafile}; unlink $pwmfile; return $hitlist;
sub _search {
    ## this method runs the pwmsearch C extension and parses the data
## similarly to _csearch, which will eventually be discontinued
my ($self, %args) = @_; my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args); my ($subseq_start, $subseq_end) = (1,$seqobj->length); if(my $subpart = $args{-subpart}) { $subseq_start = $subpart->{-start}; $subseq_end = $subpart->{-end}; unless($subseq_start and $subseq_end) { $self->throw("Option -subpart missing suboption -start or -end"); } } return TFBS::Ext::pwmsearch::pwmsearch($self, $seqobj, ($args{-threshold} or 0), $subseq_start, $subseq_end);
sub _seq_to_pdlmatrix {
    ## called from ?search
## not OO - help function for search
my $seqobj = shift; my $seqstring = uc($seqobj->seq()); my @perlarray; foreach (qw(A C G T)) { my $seqtobits = $seqstring; eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/$_/1/"; ## curr. letter $_ to 1
eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/1/0/c"; ## non-1s to 0
push @perlarray, [split("", $seqtobits)]; } return byte (\@perlarray);
sub _set_min_max_score {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $transpose = $self->pdl_matrix(0,1);
    $self->{min_score} = sum(minimum $transpose);
    $self->{max_score} = sum(maximum $transpose);
sub _to_seqobj {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $seq;
    if ($args{-file})  {    ## not a Bio::Seq
return Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $args{-file}, -format => 'fasta', -moltype => 'dna')->next_seq(); } elsif ($args{-seqstring} or $args{-seq}) { ## I guess it's a string then
return Bio::Seq->new(-seq => ($args{-seqstring} or $args{-seq}), -id => ($args{-seq_id} or "undefined"), -moltype => 'dna'); } elsif ($args{'-seqobj'} and ref($args{'-seqobj'}) and $args{'-seqobj'}->can("seq")) { ## do nothing (maybe check later)
return $args{'-seqobj'}; } ##elsif (ref($format) =~ /Bio\:\:Seq/ and !defined $seq) {
## if only one parameter passed and it's a Bio::Seq
##return $format;
else { $self->throw ("Wrong parametes passed to search method: ".%args); }
sub max_score {
sub min_score {
sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $matrix = TFBS::Matrix->new(%args, -matrixtype=>"PWM");
    my $self = bless $matrix, ref($class) || $class;
    return $self;
sub search_aln {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    unless ($args{-alignstring} or $args{-alignobj} or $args{-file}) {
	    ("No alignment file, string or object passed to search_aln.");
    $args{-pattern_set} = $self;
    my $aln = ($args{-alignment_setup} or TFBS::Matrix::_Alignment->new(%args));
    return $aln->site_pair_set;
sub search_seq {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

General documentation

Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard top
Boris Lenhard>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.
name top

ID top

class top

matrix top

length top

revcom top

rawprint top

prettyprint top
The above methods are common to all matrix objects. Please consult
TFBS::Matrix to find out how to use them.