
Summary Included libraries Package variables Synopsis Description General documentation Methods

TFBS::Matrix::Set - an agregate class representing a set of matrix patterns, containing methods for manipulating the set as a whole
Package variables top
No package variables defined.
Included modulestop
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
Inherit top
    # creation of a TFBS::MatrixSet object
# let @list_of_matrix_objects be a list of TFBS::Matrix::* objects

# Create a TFBS::MatrixSet object:

my $matrixset = TFBS::MatrixSet->new(); # creates an empty set
$matrixset->add_Matrix(@list_of_matrix_objects); #add matrix objects to set
$matrixset->add_Matrix($matrixobj); # adds a single matrix object to set

# or, same as above:

my $matrixset = TFBS::MatrixSet->new(@list_of_matrix_objects, $matrixobj);

TFBS::MatrixSet is an aggregate class storing a set of TFBS::Matrix::* subclass objects, and providing methods form manipulating those sets as a whole. TFBS::MatrixSet objects are created <I>de novo<I> or returned by some database (TFBS::DB::*) retrieval methods.
_bsearchNo descriptionCode
_csearchNo descriptionCode
_searchNo descriptionCode
_seq_to_pdlmatrixNo descriptionCode
_to_seqobjNo descriptionCode
add_MatrixNo descriptionCode
nextNo descriptionCode
resetNo descriptionCode
sort_by_nameNo descriptionCode

Methods description

 Title   : Iterator
Usage : my $matrixset_iterator =
$matrixset->Iterator(-sort_by =>'total_ic');
while (my $matrix_object = $matrix_iterator->next) {
# do whatever you want with individual matrix objects
Function: Returns an iterator object that can be used to go through
all members of the set
Returns : an iterator object (currently undocumentened in TFBS -
but understands the 'next' method)
Args : -sort_by # optional - currently it accepts
# 'ID' (alphabetically)
# 'name' (alphabetically)
# 'class' (alphabetically)
# 'total_ic' (numerically, decreasing order)

-reverse # optional - reverses the default sorting order if true
 Title   : add_matrix
Usage : $matrixset->add_matrix(@list_of_matrix_objects);
Function: Adds matrix objects to matrixset
Returns : object reference (usually ignored)
Args : one or more TFBS::Matrix::* objects
 Title   : add_matrix
Usage : $matrixset->add_matrix(@list_of_matrixset_objects);
Function: Adds to the matrixset matrix objects contained in one or
more other matrixsets
Returns : object reference (usually ignored)
Args : one or more TFBS::MatrixSet objects

 Title   : search_aln
Usage : my $site_pair_set = $matrixset->search_aln(%args)
Function: Scans a pairwise alignment of nucleotide sequences
with the pattern represented by the PWM: it reports only
those hits that are present in equivalent positions of both
sequences and exceed a specified threshold score in both, AND
are found in regions of the alignment above the specified
conservation cutoff value.
It works only if all matrix object in $matrixset understand
search_aln method (currently only TFBS::Matrix::PWM objects do)

Returns : a TFBS::SitePairSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:

-file, # the name of the alignment file in Clustal
-alignobj # a Bio::SimpleAlign object
# (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a
# subclass thereof)
-alignstring # a multi-line string containing the alignment
# in clustal format

-threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute
# (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%")
# OPTIONAL: default "80%"

-window, # size of the sliding window (inn nucleotides)
# for calculating local conservation in the
# alignment
# OPTIONAL: default 50

-cutoff # conservation cutoff (%) for including the
# region in the results of the pattern search
# OPTIONAL: default "70%"

-subpart # subpart of the alignment to search, given as e.g.
# -subpart => { relative_to => 1,
# start => 140,
# end => 180 }
# where start and end are coordinates in the
# sequence indicated by relative_to (1 for the
# 1st sequence in the alignment, 2 for the 2nd)
# OPTIONAL: by default searches entire alignment

# conservation profile, a TFBS::ConservationProfile
# OPTIONAL: by default the conservation profile is
# computed internally on the fly (less efficient)
 Title   : search_seq
Usage : my $siteset = $matrixset->search_seq(%args)
Function: scans a nucleotide sequence with all patterns represented
stored in $matrixset;

It works only if all matrix objects in $matrixset understand
search_seq method (currently only TFBS::Matrix::PWM objects do)
Returns : a TFBS::SiteSet object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:

-file, # the name od a fasta file (single sequence)
-seqobj # a Bio::Seq object
# (more accurately, a Bio::PrimarySeqobject or a
# subclass thereof)
-seqstring # a string containing the sequence

-threshold, # minimum score for the hit, either absolute
# (e.g. 11.2) or relative (e.g. "75%")
# OPTIONAL: default "80%"
 Title   : size
Usage : my $number_of_matrices = $matrixset->size;
Function: gets the number of matrix objects in the $matrixset
(i.e. the size of the set)
Returns : a number
Args : none

Methods code

sub Iterator {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    return TFBS::_Iterator::_MatrixSetIterator->new($self->{matrix_list},
sub _bsearch {
    my ($self,%args) = @_; ##the rest of @_ goes to _to_seqob;
my @PWMs; ## prepare the sequence
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args); $seqobj->{_pdl_matrix} = _seq_to_pdlmatrix($seqobj); ## prepare the PWMs
$self->reset(); while (my $pwm = $self->next() ) { push @PWMs,$pwm; } ## do the analysis
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new(); foreach my $pwm (@PWMs) { my $threshold = ($args{-threshold} or $pwm->{minscore}); $hitlist->add_siteset($pwm->bsearch(-seqobj=>$seqobj, -threshold =>$threshold )); } delete $seqobj->{_pdl_matrix}; return $hitlist;
sub _csearch {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $PWM_SEARCH = '/home/httpd/cgi-bin/CONSITE/bin/pwm_searchPFF';

    ## DIRTY - stick tmp file name to seq object
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args); ($seqobj->{_fastaFH}, $seqobj->{_fastafile}) = tmpnam(); ## we need $fastafile below
my $seqFH = Bio::SeqIO->newFh(-fh=>$seqobj->{_fastaFH}, -format=>"Fasta"); print $seqFH $seqobj; ## iterate through pwms
my @PWMs; $self->reset(); while (my $pwm = $self->next() ) { push @PWMs,$pwm; } ## do the analysis
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new(); foreach my $pwm (@PWMs) { my $threshold = ($args{-threshold} or $pwm->{minscore}); $hitlist->add_siteset($pwm->search_seq(-seqobj=>$seqobj, -threshold =>$threshold )); } delete $seqobj->{_fastaFH}; delete $seqobj->{_fastafile}; return $hitlist;
sub _search {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    ## DIRTY - stick tmp file name to seq object
my $seqobj = $self->_to_seqobj(%args); ($seqobj->{_fastaFH}, $seqobj->{_fastafile}) = tmpnam(); ## we need $fastafile below
my $outstream = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>">".$seqobj->{_fastafile}, -format=>"Fasta"); my $subseqobj; if(my $subpart = $args{-subpart}) { my $subseq_start = $subpart->{-start}; my $subseq_end = $subpart->{-end}; unless($subseq_start and $subseq_end) { $self->throw("Option -subpart missing suboption -relative_to, -start or -end"); } $subseqobj = Bio::Seq->new(-seq => $seqobj->subseq($subseq_start, $subseq_end), -id => $seqobj->id); } $outstream->write_seq($subseqobj or $seqobj); $outstream->close; ## iterate through pwms
my @PWMs; my $mxit = $self->Iterator(); while (my $pwm = $mxit->next() ) { push @PWMs,$pwm; } ## do the analysis
my $hitlist = TFBS::SiteSet->new(); foreach my $pwm (@PWMs) { my $threshold = ($args{-threshold} or $pwm->{minscore}); $hitlist->add_siteset($pwm->search_seq(-seqobj=>$seqobj, -threshold =>$threshold, -subpart=>$args{-subpart})); } delete $seqobj->{_fastaFH}; unlink $seqobj->{_fastafile}; delete $seqobj->{_fastafile}; return $hitlist;
sub _seq_to_pdlmatrix {
    ## not OO - help function for search
my $seqobj = shift; my $seqstring = uc($seqobj->seq()); my @perlarray; foreach (qw(A C G T)) { my $seqtobits = $seqstring; eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/$_/1/"; ## curr. letter $_ to 1
eval "\$seqtobits =~ tr/1/0/c"; ## non-1s to 0
push @perlarray, [split("", $seqtobits)]; } return byte (\@perlarray);
sub _to_seqobj {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $seq;
    if ($args{-file})  {    ## not a Bio::Seq
return Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $args{-file}, -format => 'fasta', -moltype => 'dna')->next_seq(); } elsif ($args{-seqstring} or $args{-seq}) { ## I guess it's a string then
return Bio::Seq->new(-seq => ($args{-seqstring} or $args{-seq}), -id => ($args{-seq_id} or "undefined"), -moltype => 'dna'); } elsif ($args{'-seqobj'} and ref($args{'-seqobj'}) =~ /Bio\:\:Seq/) { ## do nothing (maybe check later)
return $args{'-seqobj'}; } ##elsif (ref($format) =~ /Bio\:\:Seq/ and !defined $seq) {
## if only one parameter passed and it's a Bio::Seq
##return $format;
else { $self->throw ("Wrong parametes passed to search method: ".%args); } ## CONTINUE HERE TOMORROW
sub add_Matrix {
    my ($self, @matrixlist)  = @_;
    foreach (@matrixlist)  {
	ref($_) =~ /TFBS::Matrix::/
	    or $self->throw("Attempted to add an element ".
			     "that is not a TFBS::Matrix object.");
	push @{$self->{matrix_list}},  $_;
	push @{$self->{_iterator_list}}, $_;

    return 1;
sub add_matrix {
    my ($self, @matrices) = @_;
    foreach my $matrix (@matrices) {
	$self->throw("Argument to add_matrix_set not a TFBS::Matrix object")
	    unless $matrix->isa("TFBS::Matrix");
    push @{$self->{matrix_list}}, @matrices;
    return $self;
sub add_matrix_set {
    my ($self, @sets) = @_;
    foreach my $matrixset (@sets)  {
	$self->throw("Argument to add_matrix_set not a TFBS::Matrixset object")
	    unless $matrixset->isa("TFBS::MatrixSet");
	push @{$self->{matrix_list}}, @{$matrixset->{matrix_list}};
sub new {
    my ($caller, @matrices) = shift;
    my $self = bless {matrix_list =>[]}, ref($caller) || $caller;
    $self->add_matrix(@matrices) if @matrices;
    return $self;
sub next {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->warn("next: Deprecated method use Iterator instead.");
    if (my $next_matrix = shift (@{$self->{_iterator_list}})) {
	return $next_matrix;
    else  {
	return undef;
sub reset {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->warn("reset: Deprecated method use Iterator instead.");
    @{$self->{_iterator_list}} = @{$self->{matrix_list}};
sub search_aln {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $mxit = $self->Iterator();
    my $sitepairset = TFBS::SitePairSet->new;
    my $aln = TFBS::Matrix::_Alignment->new(%args);
    while (my $mx = $mxit->next) {
        my $singleset = $mx->search_aln(%args,
                                        -alignment_setup => $aln);
    return $sitepairset;
sub search_seq {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
sub size {
    scalar @{ $_[0]->{matrix_list} };
sub sort_by_name {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->warn("sort_by_name: Deprecated method use Iterator instead.");
    @{$self->{matrix_list}} = sort { uc($a->{name}) cmp uc ($b->{name}) }

General documentation

Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard top
Boris Lenhard>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.