

Summary Included libraries Package variables Synopsis Description General documentation Methods

TFBS::Matrix::ICM - class for information content matrices of nucleotide
Package variables top
No package variables defined.
Included modulestop
File::Temp qw /:POSIX/
Inherit top
Bio::Root::Root TFBS::Matrix

* creating a TFBS::Matrix::ICM object manually:
my $matrixref = [ [ 0.00, 0.30, 0.00, 0.00, 0.24, 0.00 ],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.45, 0.42, 0.00 ],
[ 0.00, 0.89, 2.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ],
[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.13, 0.06, 2.00 ]
my $icm = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new(-matrix => $matrixref,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"

# or

my $matrixstring = <<ENDMATRIX
2.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.42 0.00
0.00 0.89 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 2.00
my $icm = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new(-matrixstring => $matrixstring,
-name => "MyProfile",
-ID => "M0001"

* retrieving a TFBS::Matix::ICM object from a database:
(See documentation of individual TFBS::DB::* modules to learn
how to connect to different types of pattern databases and retrieve
TFBS::Matrix::* objects from them.)

my $db_obj = TFBS::DB::JASPAR2->new
(-connect => ["dbi:mysql:JASPAR2:myhost",
"myusername", "mypassword"]);
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_ID("M0001", "ICM");
# or
my $pfm = $db_obj->get_Matrix_by_name("MyProfile", "ICM");

(see decumentation of TFBS::MatrixSet to learn how to create
objects for storage and manipulation of multiple matrices)

my @icm_list = $matrixset->all_patterns(-sort_by=>"name");

* drawing a sequence logo

-full_scale =>2.25,
-ysize =>250,
-graph_title=>"C/EBPalpha binding site logo",

TFBS::Matrix::ICM is a class whose instances are objects representing
position weight matrices (PFMs). An ICM is normally calculated from a
raw position frequency matrix (see TFBS::Matrix::PFM
for the explanation of position frequency matrices). For example, given
the following position frequency matrix,

A:[ 12 3 0 0 4 0 ]
C:[ 0 0 0 11 7 0 ]
G:[ 0 9 12 0 0 0 ]
T:[ 0 0 0 1 1 12 ]

the standard computational procedure is applied to convert it into the
following information content matrix:

A:[2.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00]
C:[0.00 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.42 0.00]
G:[0.00 0.89 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00]
T:[0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 2.00]

which contains the "weights" associated with the occurence of each
nucleotide at the given position in a pattern.

A TFBS::Matrix::PWM object is equipped with methods to search nucleotide
sequences and pairwise alignments of nucleotide sequences with the
pattern they represent, and return a set of sites in nucleotide
sequence (a TFBS::SiteSet object for single sequence search, and a
TFBS::SitePairSet for the alignment search).
DESTROYNo descriptionCode
_check_ic_validityNo descriptionCode
draw_ANo descriptionCode
draw_CNo descriptionCode
draw_GNo descriptionCode
draw_TNo descriptionCode
total_icNo descriptionCode

Methods description

 Title   : _draw_ps_logo 
Usage : my $postscript_string = $icm->_draw_ps_logo(%args)
Internal method, should be accessed using draw_logo()
Function: Draws a "sequence logo", a graphical representation
of a possibly degenerate fixed-width nucleotide
sequence pattern, from the information content matrix
Returns : a postscript string;
if you only need the image file you can ignore it
Args : -file, # the name of the output PNG image file
# OPTIONAL: default none
-xsize # width of the image in pixels
# OPTIONAL: default 600
-ysize # height of the image in pixels
# OPTIONAL: default 5/8 of -x_size
-full_scale # the maximum value on the y-axis, in bits
# OPTIONAL: default 2.25
-graph_title,# the graph title
# OPTIONAL: default none
-x_title, # x-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none
-y_title # y-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none
 Title   : draw_logo
Usage : my $gdImageObj = $icm->draw_logo(%args)
Function: Draws a "sequence logo", a graphical representation
of a possibly degenerate fixed-width nucleotide
sequence pattern, from the information content matrix
Returns : a GD::Image object;
if you only need the image file you can ignore it
Args : -file, # the name of the output PNG image file
# OPTIONAL: default none
-xsize # width of the image in pixels
# OPTIONAL: default 600
-ysize # height of the image in pixels
# OPTIONAL: default 5/8 of -x_size
-margin # size of image margins in pixels
# OPTIONAL: default 15% of -y_size
-full_scale # the maximum value on the y-axis, in bits
# OPTIONAL: default 2.25
-graph_title,# the graph title
# OPTIONAL: default none
-x_title, # x-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none
-y_title # y-axis title; OPTIONAL: default none
-error_bars # reference to an array of S.D. values for each column; OPTIONAL
-ps # if true, produces a postscript string instead of a GD::Image object
-pdf # if true AND the -file argumant is used, produces an output pdf file
 Title   : new
Usage : my $icm = TFBS::Matrix::ICM->new(%args)
Function: constructor for the TFBS::Matrix::ICM object
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::ICM object
Args : # you must specify either one of the following three:

-matrix, # reference to an array of arrays of integers
-matrixstring,# a string containing four lines
# of tab- or space-delimited integers
-matrixfile, # the name of a file containing four lines
# of tab- or space-delimited integers

-name, # string, OPTIONAL
-ID, # string, OPTIONAL
-class, # string, OPTIONAL
-tags # an array reference, OPTIONAL
 Title   : to_PWM
Usage : my $pwm = $icm->to_PWM()
Function: converts an information content matrix (a TFBS::Matrix::ICM object)
to position weight matrix. At present it assumes uniform
background distribution of nucleotide frequencies.
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
Args : none; in the future releases, it should be able to accept
a user defined background probability of the four

Methods code

    ## nothing
sub _check_ic_validity {
    my ($self) = @_;
    ## to do
sub _draw_ps_logo {
 my $self = shift;
 my %args = (-xsize      => 600,
	     -full_scale => 2.25,
	     -graph_title=> "",
	     -x_title    => "",
	     -y_title    => "",
    my $xsize= $args{'-xsize'};
    my $max_ysize= $args{'-ysize'} ||int  5* $args{'-xsize'}/8;
my $ysize= $max_ysize*($args{'-full_scale'}-($args{'-full_scale'}-2))/$args{'-full_scale'};
my $x=100; ## nternal, for placement on 'paper'
my $y=100; my $out= "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Orientation: Portrait %%Pages: 1 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 ".($args{'-xsize'}*1.2)." ".( $max_ysize*1.5)." %%BeginSetup %%EndSetup %%Magnification: 1.0000 %%EndProlog %%end %%save gsave\n"; ##colors and correction definitions
my %color; $color{'black'}="0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor"; $color{'A'}="0.000 1.000 0.000 setrgbcolor"; $color{'C'}="0.000 0.000 1.000 setrgbcolor"; $color{'G'}="1.000 0.860 0.000 setrgbcolor"; $color{'T'}="1.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor"; my $fontsize= int $ysize*0.68; my $fontwidth=1($xsize/$self->length());
my %w_correct; ## correction of font widths
$w_correct{'A'}=0.95; $w_correct{'T'}=1.05; $w_correct{'C'}=0.90; $w_correct{'G'}=0.90; my %y_next;##correction of font heights
$y_next{'A'}=1; $y_next{'T'}=1; $y_next{'C'}=0.94; $y_next{'G'}=0.94; my %y_correct; ##correction of font bounding boxes
$y_correct{'A'}=0; $y_correct{'C'}=0.035*$fontsize; $y_correct{'G'}=0.035*$fontsize; $y_correct{'T'}=0; ##define y axis,tickmarks and scaling
my $font= $fontwidth/5;
$out.="newpath\n ". ($x-10)." ". ($y+2*$ysize/4 )." moveto\n". "$x ". ($y+2*$ysize/4 ) ." lineto\n stroke\n"; $out.= "gsave\n/Times-Bold findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x-20). " ".( $y+$ysize/2)." moveto\n";
$out.=" (1) show\n grestore\n" ; $out.="newpath\n ". ($x-10)." ". ($y+$ysize )." moveto\n". "$x ". ($y+$ysize) ." lineto\n stroke\n"; $out.="newpath\n ". ($x-10)." ". ($y+$max_ysize )." moveto\n". "$x ". ($y+$max_ysize) ." lineto\n stroke\n"; $out.= "gsave\n/Times-Bold findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x-20). " ".( $y+$ysize)." moveto\n"; $out.=" (2) show\n grestore\n" ; $out.="newpath\n $x $y moveto\n". ($x). " ".($y+$max_ysize) ." lineto\n stroke\n"; $out.="newpath\n $x $y moveto\n". ($x+$xsize). " ".($y) ." lineto\n stroke\n"; ## draw titles if requested
if ($args{'-y_title'}){ $out.= "gsave\n/Times-Italic findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x-40). " ".( $y+$ysize/2)." moveto\n";
$out.=" 90 rotate ($args{'-y_title'}) show\n grestore\n" ; } if ($args{'-x_title'}){ $out.= "gsave\n/Times-Italic findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x+$xsize/2.5). " ".( $y*(0.60))." moveto\n";
$out.=" ($args{'-x_title'}) show\n grestore\n" ; } if ($args{'-title'}){ $out.= "gsave\n/Times-Roman findfont $color{black} [".($font*2)." 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x+$xsize/3). " ".( $y+$max_ysize*1.1)." moveto\n";
$out.=" ($args{'-title'}) show\n grestore\n" ; } ## define x axis and x tickmarks
my $col_width=($xsize/$self->length()) -0.006*$xsize;
my $x_now; for(my $i=1; $i<=$self->length(); $i++){ $x_now=$x+$col_width*$i; $out.="newpath\n ". ($x_now)." ". ($y)." moveto\n". ($x_now)." ". ($y-$ysize/20 ) ." lineto\n stroke\n";
$out.= "gsave\n/Times-Bold findfont $color{black} [$font 0 0 $font 0 0] makefont setfont\n".($x_now-$col_width/2). " ".( $y-20)." moveto\n";
$out.=" ($i) show\n grestore\n" ; } ## draw the logo
foreach my $i (0..$self->length()-1 ) { ## get the $i-th column of matrix
my %ic; ($ic{A}, $ic{C}, $ic{G}, $ic{T}) = list $self->pdl_matrix($i); my @draw_order = sort {$ic{$a}<=>$ic{$b}} qw(A C G T); ##draw this position
foreach my $letter (@draw_order){ $ic{$letter}=0.0000001 if ( $ic{$letter}==0); ## some interpretors do not uderstand size 0
$out.= "gsave\n/Helvetica-Bold findfont $color{$letter} [".$fontwidth*$w_correct{$letter}." 0 0 "; $out.= $ic{$letter}*$fontsize*$y_next{$letter} ; $y+=$y_correct{$letter}*$ic{$letter}; ##movement that isletter specific, due to bounding boxes
$out.= " 0 0] makefont setfont\n$x $y moveto\n"; $out.= " ($letter) show\n grestore\n" ; $y+=$fontsize*$ic{$letter}*0.75; ##ic content move
} $x+=$fontwidth/1.6;
$y=100; } ## save as file if requested
if ($args{-file}) { open (PSFILE, ">".$args{-file}) or $self->throw("Could not write to ".$args{-file}); print PSFILE $out; close PSFILE; } if ($args{-pdf}){ system "ps2pdf $args{-file} ".$args{-file}.".pdf "; system " mv $args{-file}.pdf $args{-file}"; } return $out;
sub draw_A {
    my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
    my $green = $im->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
    my $outPoly = GD::Polygon->new();
    $outPoly->addPt($x, $y+$ysize);
    $outPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.42, $y);
    $outPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.58, $y);
    $outPoly->addPt($x+$xsize, $y+$ysize);
    $outPoly->addPt($x+0.85*$xsize, $y+$ysize);
    $outPoly->addPt($x+0.725*$xsize, $y+0.75*$ysize);
    $outPoly->addPt($x+0.275*$xsize, $y+0.75*$ysize);
    $outPoly->addPt($x+0.15*$xsize, $y+$ysize);
    $im->filledPolygon($outPoly, $green);
    if ($ysize>8)  {
	my $inPoly = GD::Polygon->new();
	$inPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.5, $y+0.2*$ysize);
	$inPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.34, $y+0.6*$ysize-1);
	$inPoly->addPt($x+$xsize*.64, $y+0.6*$ysize-1);
	$im->filledPolygon($inPoly, $white);
    return 1;
sub draw_C {
    my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
    my $blue = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,255);
    $im->arc($x+$xsize*0.54, $y+$ysize/2,1.08*$xsize,$ysize,0,360,$blue);
$im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $blue); if ($ysize>12) { $im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2,
$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize, 0,360,$white); $im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white); $im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/4+1, $x+$xsize*1.1, $y+(3*$ysize/4)-1,
} elsif ($ysize>3) { $im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2,
$ysize)*$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize,
$im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white); $im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize*0.25, $y+$ysize/2,
$x+$xsize*1.1, $y+$ysize/2, $white); } return 1;
sub draw_G {
    my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
    my $yellow = $im->colorAllocate(200,200,0);
    $im->arc($x+$xsize*0.54, $y+$ysize/2,1.08*$xsize,$ysize,0,360,$yellow);
$im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $yellow); if ($ysize>20) { $im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2,
$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize, 0,360,$white); $im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white); $im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/4+1, $x+$xsize*1.1, $y+$ysize/2-1,
} elsif($ysize>3) { $im->arc($x+$xsize*0.53, $y+$ysize/2,
$ysize)*$xsize, (0.725-0.725/$ysize)*$ysize,
$im->fill($x+$xsize/2, $y+$ysize/2, $white); $im->filledRectangle($x+$xsize*0.25, $y+$ysize/2,
$x+$xsize*1.1, $y+$ysize/2, $white); } $im->filledRectangle($x+0.85*$xsize, $y+$ysize/2,
$x+$xsize,$y+(3*$ysize/4)-1, $yellow); $im->filledRectangle($x+0.6*$xsize, $y+$ysize/2,
$x+$xsize,$y+(5*$ysize/8)-1, $yellow); return 1;
sub draw_T {
    my ($im, $x, $y, $xsize, $ysize, $white) = @_;
    my $red = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0);
    $im->filledRectangle($x, $y, $x+$xsize, $y+0.16*$ysize, $red);
    $im->filledRectangle($x+0.42*$xsize, $y, $x+0.58*$xsize, $y+$ysize, $red);
    return 1;
sub draw_logo {
    no strict;
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (-xsize      => 600,
		-full_scale => 2.25,
		-graph_title=> "",
		-x_title    => "",
		-y_title    => "",
    ## Other parameters that can be specified:
## -ysize -line_width -margin
## do not have a fixed default value
## - they are calculated from xsize if not specified
## draw postscript logo if asked for
if ($args{'-ps'} || $args{'-pdf'}){ return _draw_ps_logo($self, @_); } require GD; my ($xsize,$FULL_SCALE, $x_title, $y_title) = @args{qw(-xsize -full_scale -x_title y_title)} ; my $PER_PIXEL_LINE = 300; ## calculate other parameters if not specified
my $line_width = ($args{-line_width} or int ($xsize/$PER_PIXEL_LINE) or 1);
my $ysize = ($args{-ysize} or $xsize/1.6);
## remark (the line above): 1.6 is a standard screen x:y ratio
my $margin = ($args{-margin} or $ysize*0.15); my $image = GD::Image->new($xsize, $ysize); my $white = $image->colorAllocate(255,255,255); my $black = $image->colorAllocate(0,0,0); my $motif_size = $self->pdl_matrix(0); my $font = ((&GD::gdTinyFont(), &GD::gdSmallFont(), &GD::gdMediumBoldFont(), &GD::gdLargeFont(), &GD::gdGiantFont())[int(($ysize-50)/100)]
or &GD::gdGiantFont());
my $title_font = ((&GD::gdSmallFont(), &GD::gdMediumBoldFont(), &GD::gdLargeFont(), &GD::gdGiantFont())[int(($ysize-50)/100)]
or &GD::gdGiantFont());
## graph title #&GD::Font::MediumBold
$image->string($title_font, $xsize/2-length($args{-graph_title})* $title_font->width() /2, $margin/2 - $title_font->height()/2, $args{-graph_title}, $black); ## x_title
$image->string($font, $xsize/2-length($args{-x_title})*$font->width()/2, $ysize-( $margin - $font->height()*0 - 5*$line_width)/2
$font->height()/2*0, $args{-x_title}, $black); ## y_title
$image->stringUp($font, ($margin -$font->width()- 5*$line_width)/2
$font->height()/2 , $ysize/2+length($args{'-y_title'})*$font->width()/2, $args{'-y_title'}, $black); ## DRAW AXES
## vertical: (top left to bottom right)
$image->filledRectangle($margin-$line_width, $margin-$line_width, $margin-1, $ysize-$margin+$line_width, $black); ## horizontal: (ditto)
$image->filledRectangle($margin-$line_width, $ysize-$margin+1, $xsize-$margin+$line_width,$ysize-$margin+$line_width, $black); ## DRAW VERTICAL TICKS AND LABELS
## vertical axis (IC 1 and 2)
my $ic_1 = ($ysize - 2* $margin) / $FULL_SCALE;
foreach my $i (1..$FULL_SCALE) { $image->filledRectangle($margin-3*$line_width, $ysize-$margin - $i*$ic_1, $margin-1, $ysize-$margin+$line_width - $i*$ic_1, $black); $image->string($font, $margin-5*$line_width - $font->width, $ysize - $margin - $i*$ic_1 - $font->height()/2,
## define function refs as hash elements
my %draw_letter = ( A =>\& draw_A, C =>\& draw_C, G =>\& draw_G, T =>\& draw_T ); my $horiz_step = ($xsize -2*$margin) / $motif_size;
foreach my $i (0..$motif_size) { $image->filledRectangle($margin + $i*$horiz_step, $ysize-$margin+1, $margin + $i*$horiz_step+ $line_width, $ysize-$margin+3*$line_width, $black); last if $i==$motif_size; ## get the $i-th column of matrix
my %ic; ($ic{A}, $ic{C}, $ic{G}, $ic{T}) = list $self->pdl_matrix($i); ## sort nucleotides by increasing information content
my @draw_order = sort {$ic{$a}<=>$ic{$b}} qw(A C G T); ## draw logo column
my $xlettersize = $horiz_step /1.1;
my $ybottom = $ysize - $margin; foreach my $base (@draw_order) { my $ylettersize = int($ic{$base}*$ic_1 +0.5); next if $ylettersize ==0; ## draw letter
$draw_letter{$base}->($image, $margin + $i*$horiz_step, $ybottom - $ylettersize, $xlettersize, $ylettersize, $white); $ybottom = $ybottom - $ylettersize-1; } if ($args{'-error_bars'} and ref($args{'-error_bars'}) eq "ARRAY") { my $sd_pix = int($args{'-error_bars'}->[$i]*$ic_1); my $yt = $ybottom - $sd_pix+1; my $yb = $ybottom + $sd_pix-1; my $xpos = $margin + ($i+0.45)*$horiz_step; my $half_width; if ($yb > $ysize-$margin+$line_width) { $yb = $ysize-$margin+$line_width } else { $image->line($xpos - $xlettersize/8, $yb,
$xpos + $xlettersize/8, $yb, $black); } $image->line($xpos, $yt, $xpos, $yb, $black); $image->line($xpos - 1 , $ybottom, $xpos+1, $ybottom, $black); $image->line($xpos - $xlettersize/8, $yt,
$xpos + $xlettersize/8, $yt, $black); } ## print position number on x axis
$image->string($font, $margin + ($i+0.5)*$horiz_step - $font->width()/2,
$ysize - $margin +5*$line_width,
} ## print $args{-file};
if ($args{-file}) { open (PNGFILE, ">".$args{-file}) or $self->throw("Could not write to ".$args{-file}); print PNGFILE $image->png; close PNGFILE; } return $image;
sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $matrix = TFBS::Matrix->new(%args, -matrixtype=>"ICM");
    my $self = bless $matrix, ref($class) || $class;
    return $self;
sub to_PWM {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->throw ("Method to_PWM not yet implemented.");
sub total_ic {
    return $_[0]->pdl_matrix();

General documentation

Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard top
Boris Lenhard>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.
name top

ID top

class top

matrix top

length top

revcom top

rawprint top

prettyprint top
The above methods are common to all matrix objects. Please consult
TFBS::Matrix to find out how to use them.