
Summary Included libraries Package variables Synopsis Description General documentation Methods

TFBS::Site - a nucleotide sequence feature object representing (possibly putative) transcription factor binding site.
Package variables top
No package variables defined.
Included modulestop
Inherit top
    # manual creation of site object;
# for details, see documentation of Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;

my $site = TFBS::Site
(-start => $start_pos, # integer
-end => $end_pos, # integer
-score => $score, # float
-source => "TFBS", # string
-primary => "TF binding site", # primary tag
-strand => $strand, # -1, 0 or 1
-seqobj => $seqobj, # a Bio::Seq object whose sequence
# contains the site
-pattern => $pattern_obj # usu. TFBS::Matrix:PWM obj.

# Searching sequence with a pattern (PWM) and retrieving individual sites:
# The following objects should be defined for this example:
# $pwm - a TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
# $seqobj - a Bio::Seq object
# Consult the documentation for the above modules if you do not know
# how to create them.

# Scanning sequence with $pwm returns a TFBS::SiteSet object:

my $site_set = $pwm->search_seq(-seqobj => $seqobj,
-threshold => "80%");

# To retrieve individual sites from $site_set, create an iterator obj:

my $site_iterator = $site_set->Iterator(-sort_by => "score");

while (my $site = $site_iterator->next()) {
# do something with $site
TFBS::Site object holds data for a (possibly predicted) transcription factor binding site on a nucleotide sequence (start, end, strand, score, tags, as well as references to the corresponding sequence and pattern objects). TFBS::Site is a subclass of Bio::SeqFeature::Generic and has acces to all of its method. Additionally, it contains the pattern() method, an accessor for pattern object associated with the site object.
MatrixNo descriptionCode
old_GFFNo descriptionCode
seqobjNo descriptionCode
site_lengthNo descriptionCode
siteseqNo descriptionCode

Methods description

 Title   : GFF
Usage : print $site->GFF();
: print $site->GFF($gff_formatter)
Function: returns a "standard" GFF string - the "generic" gff_string
method is left untouched for possible customizations
Returns : a string (NOT newline terminated! )
Args : a $gff_formatter function reference (optional)
 Title   : new
Usage : my $site = TFBS::Site->new(%args)
Function: constructor for the TFBS::Site object
Returns : TFBS::Site object
Args : -start, # integer
-end, # integer
-strand, # -1, 0 or 1
-score, # float
-source, # string (method used to detect it)
-primary, # string (primary tag)
-seqobj, # a Bio::Seq object
-pattern # a pattern object, usu. TFBS::Matrix::PWM
 Title   : pattern
Usage : my $pattern = $site->pattern(); # gets the pattern
$site->pattern($pwm); # sets the pattern to $pwm
Function: gets/sets the pattern object associated with the site
Returns : pattern object, here TFBS::Matrix::PWM object
Args : pattern object (optional, for setting the pattern only)
 Title   : rel_score
Usage : my $percent_score = $site->rel_score() * 100; # gets the pattern
Function: gets relative score (between 0.0 to 1.0) with respect of the score
range of the associated pattern (matrix)
Returns : floating point number between 0 and 1,
or undef if pattern not defined
Args : none

Methods code

sub GFF {
    ## due to popular demand, GFF is again a legal method, this time
## not requiring GFF modules
return $_[0]->gff_string($_[1]);
sub Matrix {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = (-seq_id      => undef,
		-siteseq      => undef,
		-seqobj       => undef,
		-strand       => "0",
		-source       => "TFBS",
		-primary      => "TF binding site",
		-pattern      => undef,
		-score        => undef,
		-start        => undef,
		-end          => undef,
		-frame	      => 0,
    my $obj = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(%args);
    my $self = bless $obj, ref($class) || $class;
    if ($args{-seqobj}) {
	$self->attach_seq($args{-seqobj}) ;
	$self->add_tag_value('sequence', $self->seq->seq);
    ## this is only for GFF printing really, and will be moved there soon
if (defined $args{'-pattern'}) { $self->pattern($args{'-pattern'}); $self->add_tag_value('TF' => $self->pattern()); $self->add_tag_value('class' => $self->pattern->class) if $self->pattern->class; } return $self;
sub old_GFF {
    eval "require GFF::GeneFeature;";
    if ($@) { print STDERR "Failed to load GFF modules, stopped"; return; }
    my ($self, %tags) =@_;
    $self->warn("GFF method is for backward compatibility only, and its use in new code is not recommended. Please use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic gff methods if possible.");
    my $GFFgf = GFF::GeneFeature->new(2);

    $GFFgf->seqname ( $self->seqname() or "Unknown" );
    $GFFgf->source  ("TFBS");
    $GFFgf->feature ("TFBS");
    $GFFgf->start   ($self->start());
    $GFFgf->end     ($self->end());
    $GFFgf->score   ($self->score());
    $GFFgf->strand  (("-",".","+")[$self->strand()+1]);
    ## $GFFgf->strand  ($self->strand());
%tags = (TF => $self->pattern->{name}, class => $self->pattern->{class}, sequence => $self->seq(), %tags); while (my ($tag, $value) = each %tags) { my @values; if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY") { @values = @$value; } else { @values = ($value); } $GFFgf->attribute($tag, @values); } return $GFFgf;
sub pattern {
    my ($self, $pattern) = @_;
    if (defined $pattern)  {
        $self->{'pattern'} = $pattern;
    return $self->{'pattern'};
sub rel_score {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return undef unless $self->pattern();
    return ($self->score - $self->pattern->min_score)/
$self->pattern->max_score - $self->pattern->min_score);
sub seqobj {
sub site_length {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->warn("site_length method is present for backward compatibility only. In new code please use the length() method");
    return $self->length();
sub siteseq {

General documentation

Please send bug reports and other comments to the author.
AUTHOR - Boris Lenhard top
Boris Lenhard>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are preceded with an underscore.

TFBS::Site is a class that extends Bio::SeqFeature::Generic. Please consult Bio::SeqFeature::Generic documentation for other available methods.
location top

start top

end top

length top

score top

frame top

sub_SeqFeature top

add_sub_SeqFeature top

flush_sub_SeqFeature top

primary_tag top

source_tag top

has_tag top

add_tag_value top

each_tag_value top

all_tags top

remove_tag top

attach_seq top

seq top

entire_seq top

seq_id top

annotation top

gff_format top

gff_string top
The above methods are inherited from Bio::SeqFeature::Generic.
Please see Bio::SeqFeature::Generic for details on their usage.