SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
TFBS::DB::LocalTRANSFAC - interface to local transfac database
position frequency matrices (matrix.dat)
 -------------------------------- NOTICE ----------------------------------
The TRANSFAC database is free for non-commercial use. For commercial use
the TRANSFAC databases and programs have to be licensed. Please read
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
    * creating a database object by connecting to TRANSFAC data
localdir is the location of the matrix.dat TRANSFAC datafile

    * retrieving a TFBS::Matrix::* object from the database
#retrieving a PWM by TRANSFAC accession number
my $pwm = $db->get_Matrix_by_acc('M00116', 'PWM');

TFBS::DB::LocalTRANSFAC is a read only database interface that fetches
TRANSFAC matrix data from a local TRANSFAC install (matrix.dat)
No description
No description
Methods description
connectcode    nextTop
 Title   : connect
Usage : my $db = TFBS::DB::TRANSFAC->connect(%args);
Function: Creates a TRANSFAC database connection object, which can be used
to retrieve matrices from a locally installed TRANSFAC database
Returns : a TFBS::DB::TRANSFAC object
Args : -localdir # REQUIRED: the directory of the matrix.dat TRANSFAC
# datafile. matrix.dat must have read access.
-accept_conditions # OPTIONAL: by setting this to a true
# value, you confirm that you
# have read and accepted the terms
# of use of TRANSFAC at
# this also supresses the annoying
# message that is printed to STDERR
# upon invoking the method
 Title   : get_Matrix_by_ID
Usage : my $pfm = $db->get_Matrix_by_ID('V$CREB_01', 'PFM');
Function: fetches matrix data under the given TRANSFAC ID from the
database and returns a TFBS::Matrix::* object
Returns : a TFBS::Matrix::* object; the exact type of the
object depending on the second argument (allowed
values are 'PFM', 'ICM', and 'PWM'); returns undef if
matrix with the given ID is not found
Args : (Matrix_ID, Matrix_type)
Matrix_ID is a string; Matrix_type is one of the
following: 'PFM' (raw position frequency matrix),
'ICM' (information content matrix) or 'PWM' (position
weight matrix)
If Matrix_type is omitted, a PFM is retrieved by default.
 Title   : get_Matrix_by_acc
Usage : my $pfm = $db->get_Matrix_by_acc('V$CREB_01', 'PFM');
Function: fetches matrix data under the given TRANSFAC aaccession number
from database and returns a TFBS::Matrix::* object
Returns : a TFBS::Matrix::* object; the exact type of the
object depending on the second argument (allowed
values are 'PFM', 'ICM', and 'PWM'); returns undef if
matrix with the given ID is not found
Args : (Matrix_ID, Matrix_type)
Matrix_ID is a string; Matrix_type is one of the
following: 'PFM' (raw position frequency matrix),
'ICM' (information content matrix) or 'PWM' (position
weight matrix)
If Matrix_type is omitted, a PFM is retrieved by default.
Methods code
sub _get_Matrix_Block {
	my %params = @_;
 	my $loc = $params{'loc'};
  	my $acc = $params{'acc'};
   	my $ID = $params{'ID'};

   	$loc = $loc . "/matrix.dat";
   	open(HANDLE, $loc) || die ("File opening failed for matrix.dat: Check file permissions");
   	my @raw_data=<HANDLE>;

	my @block = ();
	my $hit = 0;

	foreach my $line (@raw_data)
		if ($line eq "//\n")
			foreach my $lineinblock (@block)
				if (defined $ID) {
					if ($lineinblock eq "ID  $ID\n") { $hit = 1 };
				if (defined $acc) {
					if ($lineinblock eq "AC  $acc\n") { $hit = 1 };
			if ($hit == 0) { @block = (); }
		if ($hit == 0) { push @block, $line; }

	return\@ block;
sub _get_Matrix_by_Block {
	my ($self, $datablock, $mt) = @_;
        my @datalines = @$datablock;
    	my (@As, @Cs, @Gs, @Ts, $name, $ID, $acc);

    	foreach my $line (@datalines)
    		if ($line =~ /NA\s+(\S+)\n/) {
			$name = $1;
    		if ($line =~ /ID\s+(\S+)\n/) {
			$ID = $1;
    		if ($line =~ /AC\s+(\S+)\n/) {
			$acc = $1;
		#if ($line =~ /\d{2}\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\n/)  {
# change to allow for both older and newer file format
# contributed by Leonardo Marino-Ramirez:
# Updated 2003-09-05 to enable parsing of non-integer entries
if ($line =~ /^\d{2}\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*).*$/) { push @As, $1; push @Cs, $2; push @Gs, $3; push @Ts, $4; } } return undef unless @As; my $pfm = TFBS::Matrix::PFM-> new ( -ID => $ID, -name => $name, -tags => {acc=>$acc}, -matrix => [\@ As,\@ Cs,\@ Gs,\@ Ts] ); if (!defined($mt) or uc($mt) eq "PFM") {return $pfm;} elsif (uc($mt) eq "ICM") {return $pfm->to_ICM;} elsif (uc($mt) eq "PWM") {return $pfm->to_PWM;} else { $self->throw("Unrecognized matrix format: $mt"); } } 1;
sub connect {
    my ($caller, %args) = @_;
    my $self = bless { 'loc' => $args{'-localdir'}}, ref $caller || $caller;

    unless (defined ($args{-accept_conditions}) and $args{-accept_conditions}) {
        print STDERR <<ENDNOTICE
-------------------------------- NOTICE ---------------------------------- The TRANSFAC database is free for non-commercial use. For commercial use the TRANSFAC databases and programs have to be licensed. Please read the DISCLAIMER at ----------- If you have read the disclaimer and accept the conditions stated therein, you can suppres this notice by connecting to TRANSFAC like this: my\$ db = TFBS::DB::TRANSFAC->connect(-accept_conditions => 1); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDNOTICE ; } unless (defined $args{-localdir}) { $self->throw("Need directory of TRANSFAC database"); } return $self;
sub get_Matrix_by_ID {
    my ($self, $ID, $mt) = @_;
    unless (defined $ID)  {
        $self->throw("No parameters passed to get_Matrix_by_ID.");

    my $datablock = _get_Matrix_Block (	'ID' => $ID,
    					'loc' => $self->{'loc'});

    return $self->_get_Matrix_by_Block($datablock,  $mt);
sub get_Matrix_by_acc {
    my ($self, $acc, $mt) = @_;
    unless (defined $acc)  {
        $self->throw("No parameters passed to get_Matrix_by_ID.");

    my $datablock = _get_Matrix_Block (	'acc' => $acc,
    					'loc' => $self->{'loc'});

    return $self->_get_Matrix_by_Block($datablock,  $mt);
General documentation
No general documentation available.