TFBS::PatternGen Elph
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
TFBS::PatternGen::Elph - a pattern factory that uses the Elph program
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
File::Temp qw ( :POSIX )
    my $patterngen =
-binary => '/Elph/elph'
-motif_length => [8, 9, 10],
-additional_params => '-x -r -e');
my $pfm = $patterngen->pattern(); # $pfm is now a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object
TFBS::PatternGen::Gibbs builds position frequency matrices
using an advanced Gibbs sampling algorithm implemented in external
Gibbs program by Chip Lawrence. The algorithm can produce
multiple patterns from a single set of sequences.
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
newcode    nextTop
 Title   : new
Usage : my $db = TFBS::PatternGen::Gibbs->new(%args);
Function: the constructor for the TFBS::PatternGen::Gibbs object
Returns : a TFBS::PatternGen::Gibbs object
Args : This method takes named arguments;
you must specify one of the following three
-seq_list # a reference to an array of strings
# and/or Bio::Seq objects
# or
-seq_stream # A Bio::SeqIO object
# or
-seq_file # the name of the fasta file containing
# all the sequences
Other arguments are:
-binary # a fully qualified path to Gibbs executable
# OPTIONAL: default 'Gibbs'
-nr_hits # a presumed number of pattern occurences in the
# sequence set: it can be a single integer, e.g.
# -nr_hits => 24 , or a reference to an array of
# integers, e.g -nr_hits => [12, 24, 36]
-motif_length # an expected length of motif in nucleotides:
# it can be a single integer, e.g.
# -motif_length => 8 , or a reference to an
# array ofintegers, e.g -motif_length => [8..12]
-additional_params # a string containing additional
# command-line switches for the
# Gibbs program
Methods code
sub _parse_elph_output {
    my ($self, $resultstring,$command_line) = @_;
    #print $resultstring;
if ($resultstring=~/^error/){ $self->throw ("Error running elp command:\n $command_line"); return; } #Motif after optimizing
#MAP for motif: 46.735 InfoPar=0.098
#Motif found:
#Background probability model:
# a c g t
# 0.30 0.20 0.19 0.31
#Background counts:
#a: 1456
#c: 948
#g: 909
#t: 1487
#Motif probability model:
#Pos: 1 2 3 4 5 6
#a 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.83 0.00 0.00
#c 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17
#g 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.17 1.00 0.83
#t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
#Info 1.73 2.42 1.73 1.19 2.42 1.75
#Motif counts:
#a: 6 0 6 5 0 0
#c: 0 0 0 0 0 1
#g: 0 6 0 1 6 5
#t: 0 0 0 0 0 0
(my $MAP)=$resultstring=~/MAP for motif: (.*) InfoPar=/; ($resultstring)=~s/.*Motif counts:\n//s;
#print STDERR $resultstring;
my @array=split "\n",$resultstring; my @matrix; #print $array[0],"\n";
foreach (0..3){ my (@line)=split(/\s+/,$array[$_]); #print "@line\n";
shift @line; push @matrix,\@line; # print "@line\n";
} # print @matrix;
#print $resultstring;
my $sites=$self->_site_props($resultstring); my $motif =TFBS::PatternGen::Elph::Motif->new ( -tags => {score=>$MAP},#The score in this case is the E-value given in the output
-sites=>$sites, -matrix =>\@ matrix ); # Pos ***** Motif ***** Prob D Seq.Id
# 1 354 ggatt AGAAGC cgccg 0.1389 -1 GAL1
# 2 636 caaag AGAAGG ttttt 0.6942 -1 GAL10
# 3 456 aaggc AGAAGG cagta 0.6942 -1 GAL2
# 4 444 aaagt AGAGGG ggtaa 0.1388 -1 GAL7
# 5 324 tagag AGAAGG agcaa 0.6942 -1 GAL80
# 6 165 gttac AGAAGG gccgc 0.6942 -1 GCY1
#$resultstring =~ s/.*=== MAP MAXIMIZATION RESULTS ===//s;
#my @raw_motifs = split /\-+\n\s+MOTIF \w\n/s, $resultstring;
#shift @raw_motifs; # discard the first one
#foreach my $raw_motif (@raw_motifs) {
# #print $raw_motif;
# my $motif =$self->_parse_raw_motif($raw_motif) || next;
push @{ $self->{'motifs'} }, $motif; #}
#return 1;
sub _run_elph {
    my $self = shift;
    my $tmp_file = tmpnam();
    my $outstream = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>">$tmp_file", -format=>"fasta");
    foreach my $seqobj (@{ $self->{'seq_set'} } ) {
#This removes a -b switch. This enables long output containgin info about the sites
my $command_line = $self->{'binary'}." ". $tmp_file." ". "LEN=".$self->{'motif_length_string'}." ". $self->{'additional_params'}." 2>/dev/null"; my $resultstring = `$command_line`; $self->_parse_elph_output($resultstring,$command_line); #print STDERR "$command_line\n";
#print STDERR $resultstring;
# unlink $tmp_file;
return 1
sub _site_props {
    my ($self,$resultstring)=@_;
    my @sites;
#    print $resultstring;
#($resultstring)=~s/.*Motif counts:\n//s;
my @array=split(/Seq\.no/,$resultstring); #print $array[1];
my @sites_array=split "\n", $array[1]; foreach my $line(@sites_array){ # print $line;
next if $line=~/Pos/; last if $line eq''; my @site=split(/\s+/,$line); # print $site[1],"\n";
my $nr=0; $nr = 1 if $site[2]==1; #A special case when the site startsat the first base.
#Then no preceding quence is given and the site array =shorter by 1
my $motif_seq=$site[4-$nr]; # print $motif_seq,"\n";
my $site = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new ( -start => $site[2], -end => $site[2]+(length$motif_seq)-1, -strand => 1, #Always 1 with elph
-source => 'Elph', -score => $site[-3], ); foreach my $seq(@{$self->{'seq_set'}}){ if ($seq->id eq $site[-1]){#last element of the array
$site->attach_seq ($seq); } } push (@sites,$site); } return\@ sites; } 1;
sub new {
    my ($caller, %args) = @_;
    my $self = bless {}, ref($caller) || $caller;
    $self->{'motif_length_string'} =
         ? (ref($args{'-motif_length'})
            ? join(',', @{$args{'-motif_length'}})
            : $args{'-motif_length'})
         : 8 );
    $self->{'additional_params'} =
         ? (ref($args{'-additional_params'})
            ? join(' ', @{$args{'-additional_params'}})
            : $args{'-additional_params'})
         : "" );
    $self->{'binary'} = $args{'-binary'} || 'elph';
    $self->{'motifs'} = [];
    $self->_create_seq_set(%args) or die ('Error creating sequence set');
    $self->_run_elph() or $self->throw("Error running elph.");
    return $self;
General documentation
The three methods listed above are used for the retrieval of patterns,
and are common to all TFBS::PatternGen::* classes. Please
see TFBS::PatternGen for details.