Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
No synopsis!
No description!
_blank_array | No description | Code |
alignment | No description | Code |
conservation | No description | Code |
conserved_regions_as_feature_pairs | No description | Code |
conserved_regions_as_features | No description | Code |
conserved_regions_as_gff | No description | Code |
conserved_sequences | No description | Code |
conserved_subalignments | No description | Code |
new | No description | Code |
param | No description | Code |
ref_sequence | No description | Code |
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub _blank_array
{ my ($length) = @_;
my @arr = map {undef} (0..$length);
pop @arr;
return @arr } |
sub alignment
{ $_[0]->{alignment} } |
sub conservation
{ my ($self, $start, $end) = @_;
if (!defined $start) {
return @{$self->{conservation}}
else {
my ($START, $END);
if ($self->alignment) {
my $ref_seq_nr = ($self->param("ref_seq_nr") or 1);
$START = $self->alignment->get_seq_by_pos($ref_seq_nr)->start;
$END = $self->alignment->get_seq_by_pos($ref_seq_nr)->end;
else {
$START = 1;
if (defined $end) {
my ($pad_start, $pad_end) = (0, 0);
if ($start < $START) { $pad_start = $START-$start; $start = $START; }
if ($end > $END) { $pad_end = $end-$END; $end = $END }
return (_blank_array($pad_start),
@{$self->{conservation}}[$start-$START, $end-$START],
elsif ($start< $START) {
return undef;
else {
return $self->{conservation}->[$start-$START];
} } |
conserved_regions_as_feature_pairs | description | prev | next | Top |
sub conserved_regions_as_feature_pairs
{} |
sub conserved_regions_as_features
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
my ($excl_feature_ref, $cutoff) =
$self->_rearrange([qw(exclude_features cutoff)], %args);
$cutoff = ($cutoff or $self->param("cutoff") or 0.7);
print STDERR "CURRENT CUTOFF $cutoff\n";
my @conservation = $self->conservation;
my ($START, $END);
if ($self->ref_sequence and $self->ref_sequence->isa("Bio::LocatableSeq")) {
$START = $self->ref_sequence->start;
$END = $self->ref_sequence->end;
else {
$START = $self->alignment->get_seq_by_pos($self->param("ref_seq_nr" or 1))->start;
$END = $self->alignment->get_seq_by_pos($self->param("ref_seq_nr" or 1))->end;
if ($excl_feature_ref and ref($excl_feature_ref) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $f (@$excl_feature_ref) {
my ($s, $e) = ($f->start, $f->end);
next if ($e<$START or $s>$END);
$s = $START if $s<$START;
$e = $END if $e>$END;
map { $conservation[$_] = 0 } ($s-$START..$e-$START);
my @cons_positions = ( (grep {$conservation[$_-$START]>=$cutoff} ($START..$#conservation+$START)), $END+1000);
my @features;
my $region_start = $cons_positions[0];
my $counter = 0;
foreach my $i (0..$#cons_positions ) {
if ($cons_positions[$i+1]-$cons_positions[$i]>10) { $counter++;
my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>$region_start,
-end =>$cons_positions[$i],
-primary => "CR$counter",
-score => $cons_positions[$i]-$region_start+1
push @features, $f;
print STDERR $features[-1]->gff_string."\n";
$region_start = $cons_positions[$i+1];
return @features; } |
sub conserved_regions_as_gff
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
my @features = $self->conserved_regions_as_features;
my $output = "";
foreach my $f (@features) {
$output .= $f->gff_string."\n";
return $output; } |
sub conserved_sequences
{} |
sub conserved_subalignments
1; } |
sub new
{ my ($caller, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {parameters=>{},
alignment => undef,
ref_sequence => undef,
} ,ref $caller || $caller;
if (!defined($self->{conservation}) or ref($self->{conservation}) ne "ARRAY") {
$self->throw("conservation: argument missing or wrong object type");
return $self; } |
sub param
{ my ($self, $param, $value) = @_;
if (!defined $param) {
return keys %{$self->{parameters}};
elsif (defined $value) {
$self->{parameters}->{$param} = $value;
return $self->{parameters}->{$param}; } |
sub ref_sequence
{ $_[0]->{ref_sequence} } |
General documentation
No general documentation available.